

L2: Junior Member
Apr 4, 2009
Now that I've changed my pants, I found one problem and one minor annoyance

The problem is when you take the blue 'speed tube' one of the doors at the end is blue instead of red.

The annoyance is the platform and door sounds, it's just a tad irritating.

In the end ridiculous map o_O


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
I'll have to check those things out and see what's going on there. Anyone else find the sounds annoying? I'm kind of fond of them myself.


L2: Junior Member
Jun 17, 2009
Just gave this a whirl and it's very impressive. Kudos on the custom models/textures. Certainly have given me a few things to think about for future maps :)

As for the sounds, I like them for the doors, but it does get a tad annoying for all the floorplates as they move in and out. I'd imagine that, especially in the center room full of people, all everyone would hear would be a cacophony of whirring sounds.


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
That really sounds like a hot idea. I can certainly do something like that. Can you explain a little more of what you mean though? I'm thinking something like the light on the bombcart, that light with siren sounds. What were you thinking?

Whatever you see fit. Just make it go insane. I, too was thinking bombcart alarms and sirens.

As other suggested, dim the base other than the alarm lights so you DAMN WELL KNOW you flag is not where it should be.

Also, middle area is pretty blah. Needs colour.
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L420: High Member
Sep 13, 2008
Everything is quite impressive, though the middle point is quite bland. Maybe you could change the walls, add some cliffs in there for a grand desert view? Also, why do you make the platforms kill? I noclipped in one and died a grand death!:D


I am inactive and make horrible maps
Oct 29, 2008
Map looks pretty cool, other style than other maps (in a good way).
Not sure why it emptied server a bit.

Here's a pic of the respawnroomvisualizer outside of doors pic anyway:


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Map looks pretty cool, other style than other maps (in a good way).
Not sure why it emptied server a bit.

Here's a pic of the respawnroomvisualizer outside of doors pic anyway:

Since I'm not entirely certain what the deal is with that, where should the visualizer be? Inside the door? I always thought it was supposed to go on the outside.


I am inactive and make horrible maps
Oct 29, 2008
Since I'm not entirely certain what the deal is with that, where should the visualizer be? Inside the door? I always thought it was supposed to go on the outside.

I've always heard it should be on the inside, that's how most valve maps do it anyway :p
Also I think it looks better with it on the inside.

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
I always thought the visualizers were outside. With your it could go either way since they are glass, it's only that middle metal strip that would change the looks anyway.

I'm not really fond of the 'tron' style of oversaturated colors. But I gotta say you are really good at it and spytechy hitech in general. I do really like the moving platforms though, that's a pretty cool effect although the first time you use them is a little scary :)

I played it on some random server, maybe No-Heroes ctf. It was pretty fun but I don't think anyone ever capped intel. There was a sentry above the front door and it seemed to be the only way in. We busted it once but it got built up again.

Didn't seem like anyone got further into the enemy base than the front door.

The major problem with the moving platforms is that they are a dead sppy giveaway and there is no way I found around them.


L1: Registered
Jul 11, 2009
The screenshots for Operative caught my eye immediately. I love the spy tech theme!

I jumped in and ran around a bit (no one was on at the time). Here is some feedback.

The footpads don't come out quick enough for the spy. Unless you walk slowly, you don't even get to see them appear. That is by no means a deal breaker. Just an observation.

I agree with the other posters who mentioned that the sounds weren't quite. I would like a deeper swoosh sound especially for the doors, too. The sound in the tunnels is spot on, however.

The silicon chip textures in the bases, along with the electric "lightening" is very COOL!

I cannot wait to get my pyro on in those tunnels. I will be using them even if the enemy isn't there. lol I was a little disappointed that they aren't as prominent and visible as I thought they might be. I don't think I will get to see as much fighting in them as I had hoped when I first saw the screenshots.

The warp tunnel exit is a little "buggy", or at least takes a little getting used to. This is especially the case if you change your viewpoint (i.e., move around) while you are being warped through. I would imagine that there will be hot spots (skirmishes and great death) at the exits and entrances of these tunnels.

I can't wait to play this with full teams! Very cool!


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
The warp tunnel exit is a little "buggy", or at least takes a little getting used to.

Thanks for your interest. There will be quite a few fixes in the beta 2, as well as some nice detail work.


L3: Member
Jul 12, 2008
Here's a recorded demo of _b1 being played in the Couch Athletics server last night.

The main complaints were getting stuck in the "sucky tube" and the walls need to be player clipped, specifically around the pillars. The map was pretty fun, all the sentry locations that existed were easy enough to take down once you got an uber in there. My only complaint I guess is that the layout feels pretty basic, maybe it's just because the rooms aren't detailed enough yet? I'm not sure. The spytech looks great and very clean, but I think the rooms might all look a little too similar to each other. Oh well, that's my two cents, I look forward to the next version :)


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
We tested the map yesterday with 32 players instant respawn. FPS and everything was nice, same for the looks.

But we also noticed a few issues. sentries can camp the intel way to easy plus the long tubes across the map arent ideal also (even though they are a good counter at the camping in the center).

The biggest problem is that the platforms give away any spy and i would like to see some alternative routes that the spy can take (ofcourse, a single engineer camping there can block them but at least there is a way to get through unnoticed against bad teams). At the intel its not a big problem as a spy would give away himself if he took it anyway, its just the center.

In the tubes i found the lack of clipping anoying when you are hitting the sides. If you would add clipping there to flatten the walls it would be fine. Its something minor but worth it. Also, add some more signs for the routes as in the start i had a hard time finding my way due to a lack of (big) arrows.


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Bad news guys.

Found some fakes of Operative going around this morning. If you guys spot people distributing a 'ctf_operative.bsp' please ask where they got it, as I'd like to track some leads down and ask some questions. The only available version of Operative right now is ctf_operative_b1.bsp.

I tracked down a community hosting one such bum version and asked a few questions. I downloaded and played it...nothing different, just the hdr cubemaps weren't built correctly, and there was no information page pictures. If you want to see what I'm talking about you can check out:


If you guys have any information I would be greatly in your debt and would probably thank every post you type up. It's beyond frustrating that someone has already gone and blown the suffix-less name for my map...you know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, help me out here.


Sep 10, 2008
Wow I've never expected them to actually do this.

This is outrageous.

Well, if they upload it to any major sites, I'm pretty sure you can just ask for it to be taken down by the admins. It most likely wont go any further than their own server.
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The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Yeah...looks like it was a complete mistake. I had hoped it was--I didn't think it was malicious, otherwise the map's credits would have been removed.

But knowing how things go @ FPSB...it's not like this kind of thing hasn't happened before.
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