On artpass contest originality...


Cranky Coder
Jul 31, 2009
I'd like to take a moment to predict several groups of contestants will have eerie similarities between the way they've chosen to detail the Art-pass contest maps.

There simply aren't that many ways you re-interpret the individual map areas to fit established TF2 themes and styles, especially when "gameplay changing" changes are disallowed. Heck, I'm sure there'll even be overlap between folks thinking of "tropical beach paradise" versions, although the "It's all a giant flashing psychedelic rave-map" guy might be on his own.

For my part, I'm going to generally avoid the project threads by contestants. (Fortunately, we don't have to worry about testing the balance of the map.) It probably won't stop accusations from flying about: "you took my idea" countered by: "no, I had it first", but it means I can say with confidence that any ideas I implement were at least reached independently.

Anybody else worry a bit about how it might turn out in terms of accusations of copying?


Blu Hatte, Greyscale Backdrop.
Dec 28, 2008
No. Simply for the fact that a lot of TF2 Maps look similar, and you do have quite a large canvas to work with. You're allowed to change more than people originally thought.


People were crying for RaVaGe to be DQ'd, but zpq also said all his changes were fine. I think people are being too cautious, and I'm sure if people change something too much, and admin will step in and tell you. As far as accusations go, meh, people have the same ideas all the time. If people moan and bitch about it then that's their choice. I highly doubt any accusations will be made, especially if the entrants have any sense.
Feb 18, 2009
A little worried. I haven't created a thread yet, 'cause I don't think I've done anything interesting enough yet, but I'm sure when I do make one, someone will say "hey, my map is exactly like that!". Of course it wont be exactly like it, so I'll just reply with "No. I came up with the idea completely unaware of your entry, and will continue to finish my entry regardless of you, or any other contestant's entry." If they persist, well they can go somewhere un-mentionable on national television.

1Fort 2Fort

L1: Registered
Jul 18, 2010
my ideas pretty original. it will be almost grey scaled out-doors. prop and texture wise, it will borrow from 2Fort and doublecross. only colors will be on signs logos and maybe props. this migh change if i dont like where its going but I have a back up water treatment / sewer thing. and after that is a power plant.


L2: Junior Member
Mar 2, 2010
There's no way my ideas would stick out or be original, and my skills at detailing aren't there (i'd be learning as I go), so i'm not entering the contest.

I guess I have to wait another 6 months (or whatever) for a contest I can enter.

That, or i'll make a cp_orange version as a joke


L6: Sharp Member
Mar 14, 2008
Quite honestly, I'm looking at other people's WIP threads just to see if there's any big competition. There are a few that strike me as a good start, but I doubt they'll get any further, quite honestly.

One thing that is striking me about them, though, is that everyone's going for something unorthodox. I honestly thought about going just regular desert just to spite everyone who's doing "night-time snowy alpine" or "techno rave" or "CHEESEBURGER IN PARADISE" or what have you. Frankly, your attempt to be original is unoriginal. No offense.

Also, I'm being hypocritical. :p


Cranky Coder
Jul 31, 2009
I honestly thought about going just regular desert just to spite everyone who's doing "night-time snowy alpine" or "techno rave" or "CHEESEBURGER IN PARADISE" or what have you.

Damnit, that was my idea!!!11

But seriously, I want to do a desert-theme, party because the real-world place I want to set it in has to be desert-ish.

Last night I went to bed early because I wasn't feeling well... Let's just say having artpass ideas coincide with "that fever-dream and then you wake up at 3am and can't quite really sleep" is a really weird mental place to be in. For a while I think I was considering my mattress as a displacement surface.


Aug 14, 2009
Sheesh, I hear you. I had dreams about modeling and UV mapping vines all night, lol. Not pleasant dreams, let me tell you.


what would jesus do?

L1: Registered
Mar 24, 2008
the nighttime theme is a bit overdone. and by a bit i mean verily!

you can throw in snow or grass all you want, but a nighttime lighting setup is still the most recognizable thing. i dont think its copied though, but suddenly it turned unoriginal .


L11: Posh Member
Mar 4, 2009
Most of the night time entries are far too dark. Some people have adequatly lit the insides but outside is still too dark. I have yet to decide on my skybox but unless night looks and fits the scene perfectly I will avoid it. I'm thinking one of the swamp skyboxes seeing as my map is swamp themed.


Cake or Death?
Dec 20, 2007


Sep 10, 2008
That's why several of us have decided to keep it to ourselves.... or at the very least post exclusively in the VIP forum.


L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
That's why several of us have decided to keep it to ourselves.... or at the very least post exclusively in the VIP forum.

Mmm but if you make your theme/ style known public, people are less likely to choose it due to the chance of being accused of ' copying you' .


Cake or Death?
Dec 20, 2007
Mmm but if you make your theme/ style known public, people are less likely to choose it due to the chance of being accused of ' copying you' .

I've seen 123124 versions of orange_x..

I dont think people care to be accused of anything

what would jesus do?

L1: Registered
Mar 24, 2008
you cant compare the kind of mapper on tf2maps and the "other kind". they make orange and surf maps and doesnt care about gameplay issues and art problems and immersion being broken.

even though Icarus post bears some truth, I kind of get that vibe of Elitism with the "us" and "exklusevly in the vip forum". (not trying to be hostile, I really understand not sharing but still ... )