
PL Olympia a26

Toolbox 24

L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2016
Olympia - Single-stage, four-point payload map with an alpine theme

Olympia is a four-point payload map set in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.

This is currently its first iteration, and any aspect of this map may be changed.

Toolbox 24

L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2016
-added second exit to red's first spawn
-added indoor/outdoor soundscapes
-added windows to flank routes
-fixed clipping issues
-detailed blue's first spawn
-decreased the second point's flank route's window size
-blocked off various sight lines on first point

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Feb 25, 2018
Hey @Toolbox 24
It's definitely good map.
Can't wait to test it. Can you share more screen shot?
Thanks in advance.I want to see all parts of map.:)


Feb 8, 2016
looks pretty good i have to admit. i am looking forward into playing it . keep up the good work


L2: Junior Member
Apr 1, 2017
Yeah I'd have to say this is one of the more reasonable maps I've played in imps. Most of the map has a really good look and feel to it, especially the finale. The weakest part for me was the start area, which felt a bit open / flat / bland.
Keep it up.

Toolbox 24

L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2016
-removed sightlines on first point
-blue team now moves forward in their spawn when first is captured
-door on B's flank now opens when cart reaches garage door
(previously opened when B was captured)
-fixed being able to spawn in red's first spawn after B was captured
-blue's third spawn's points and cabinet have been moved for ease of access
-added detail to train's route

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Toolbox 24

L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2016
-gave the entire map a snow-covered makeover
-removed ramp on first point. is now a one way path for blue
-added a trigger_hurt inside the large garage door at third point
-added railing on flank route to second point
-removed mid door beam inside the garage
-removed dropdown on last point
-added windows into the small house on last

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Toolbox 24

L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2016
-began detailing first area of map
-added ramp at the end closest to health pack on the catwalk
-better clipped pipe on first point
-raised the ceiling of second point by 64 units
-added more height options around third point
-gave red a second route into third point

-removed sightlines in between third point and fourth point
-gave blue team one way flank onto fourth point
-added more health/ammo by third point
-reduced sightlines on fourth point

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L3: Member
Dec 1, 2016
This map has been a great help in motivating me to make a payload map, thanks for the inspiration! :)

Toolbox 24

L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2016
Wow thank you, both of you. Those are very generous comments! I really appreciate them!


nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
When I first saw this map in screenshots, I thought it looked too small and cramped. Judging a book by its cover, because after playing it today I can say its a pretty fun map. So I got a few suggestions that might help you.



Also remove this kit so A is slighty harder to set up a Sentry on


Finally, I don't think the current final point is very fun. I think the idea of it being under the bridge is really cool, but the point itself is pretty boring, and easy for BLU to cap on. It doesn't feel like a final point.

Now, for the good stuff, A is pretty great! It honestly feels like a Valve map, with options for all classes to play on, and Engineer nests that can actually be sustained, which is something I feel a lot of community maps miss the mark on. B is also pretty fun to play as well, I enjoyed the skirmishes in its corridors. The first half of C is a pretty cool area, and its a shame it isn't integrated into the point are more, being separated by a building.

Though I have to really give you props for the first half of this map. If you remade the second half of C and the final point I could see this map being unbelievably fun to play on.

P.S. those chrome trims on those doors in the last screenshot don't look like they belong there, change the texture to something dirtier that fits the wood and concrete around the area.

Toolbox 24

L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2016
-redid the first half of first point including blu's first spawn
-added a third entrance into the second point for attackers
-added a door that closes off an overpowered flank into second point
-added a spawn room closer to third point for red team
-added more vertical areas for red team on last point

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Toolbox 24

L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2016
-extended blue balcony on second so 100% movement speed classes could jump across
-added a one way door outside of red's first spawn leading to first point
-remade red's first spawn for better flow
-began optimizing third/fourth point
-changed third point to make it easier for red to hold
-reduced sightlines around fourth point

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