New Map PUG Group


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
Editing this because it's a bit out of date.

My group has been testing maps for approximately 8 months now, we have a pretty stable group to test with that is mainly people that play in ESEA Open and Intermediate, sometimes an Invite person will show up to pug. The list of maps we've played so far is listed below. Pugs are usually Friday or Saturday so that they don't interfere with the normal scrim schedules. My group helped cp_standin get into the rotation of s10 of ESEA. Congrats, Scorpio!

I'm looking for any map that could work well in a 6v6 setting and I generally look at every map posted on this site that I think fits that description. This generally includes: Push, Koth, and AD (Gpit style preferred over linear, but I still look at linear, unless it's more than two stages because playing multiple stage maps can take longer than most people want to commit). If you have something you want tested before public release, by all means contact me and I'll get some testing on it.

Personally, I would really like a new Gpit style AD map to test. So, if you have a project like that in mind, let me know as I'd like to help with testing and/or feedback.

You can add me here:
And the pug group can be found here on Steam:
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L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
The group should be public by tomorrow, should make it easier for you to join, if you want. We played cp_tidal, cp_crossroads, and cp_grack tonight, was fun.
Apr 13, 2009
Just to be sure : you're looking for standard 5cp maps only or are there other game modes you'd consider (and which ones) ?
Mar 23, 2010

any policy on texturing or anything like that?
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L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
Just to be sure : you're looking for standard 5cp maps only or are there other game modes you'd consider (and which ones) ?

We're up for anything. If it's something really new, you might have to explain the concept a little for us to figure it out, though. We've only played CP maps so far, but I grabbed a couple A/D and KOTH maps to check out and I'd like to find a good KOTH map because I kind of want to try to replace Viaduct in the ESEA rotation, eventually.

But, yeah, CP, KOTH, A/D, CTF, Invade CTF, and basically anything else that might work for 6s, I'd be willing to try, assuming I can convince everyone else to try it :p


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011

Yes, it's an NA server; more specifically, it's in Chicago.

I actually hadn't seen that thread you posted before, I really haven't been lurking this forum much and just really started looking around the site last week when I began looking for maps to try and finally got time to actually join and post this up earlier tonight. Are they still running those pugs? I'll have to look for those entries too, they would probably be good to play.

We might try doing some more pugs tomorrow night (the 26th), I have to see how much time I have tomorrow, though.


Jul 14, 2009
Yes, it's an NA server; more specifically, it's in Chicago.

I actually hadn't seen that thread you posted before, I really haven't been lurking this forum much and just really started looking around the site last week when I began looking for maps to try and finally got time to actually join and post this up earlier tonight. Are they still running those pugs? I'll have to look for those entries too, they would probably be good to play.

We might try doing some more pugs tomorrow night (the 26th), I have to see how much time I have tomorrow, though.

Oh no nevermind that thread, they went on for a while during a CTF contest until people from TF2M started bitching about losing and then they died out real quick

If I may plug my own KOTH:


L1: Registered
Feb 19, 2011
We actually have that on the server but haven't tested it yet. (I'm Walka! for those who don't know me and I also play for Pixel Smashers)


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
Oh no nevermind that thread, they went on for a while during a CTF contest until people from TF2M started bitching about losing and then they died out real quick

If I may plug my own KOTH:

Lol, I actually added that map to the server last Sunday, just haven't had the time to test it, only ran around it a little bit. Maybe we can pug it tonight, if we can get another one running. Thanks for posting, it though.

Edit: seems like you updated it since I downloaded it, I'll add the newer version in just a second.
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L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
Would single-stage payload interest you? I warn you, levee isnt designed for 6vs6 since i dont know what they want, but feedback from a 6vs6 audience is very, very welcome.

PL doesn't usually work very well in 6s. 8s and Highlander can usually pull it off and those types of comp do play PL sometimes, but, in 6s, you don't really have the number of people you need to really play it well.

I've never played PL competitively, but I know some comp players complain that PL is boring in 6s, they don't really like having to stand by the cart to escort it, and since you only have 6 people, you basically try to wipe the other team and stack the cart in between spawns. I can see if there's interest in trying it though, maybe people will give it a shot just to see what PL plays like.


Former Alias: †Blade†/Xi.Cynx
Nov 25, 2008
If you don't mind, I'll sneak mine in there, it is a koth Egyptian map style. Now I don't know what time you guys test these, but my usual work schedule is 4pm-1am(EST) so if it's possible if someone could record a demo of play for me and upload it or record the mumble convo and upload it that would be very much appreciated. =)

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L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
Ok... i thought badwater was a common comp map? oh well, thanks for drumming up interest.

I think Badwater is played in at least Highlander, probably 8s too, but it's really big for 6s.

If you're not familiar with comp 6s, just try to think of how your map would play with 12 people on it, if you can, to start. I usually don't find Badwater pubs that interesting till there's about at least 8 per team which is a major reason I think it might just be too big, there will also probably be problems with flanking and hiding spaces on a map that big; flanking and hiding spaces aren't necessarily bad, but they can be really annoying if they happen too frequently and are too difficult to prevent for either team.

The size of the map is something I find a problem in a lot of the koth maps I've been looking at, they just have to much space between the spawn and the point to allow for rather quick exchanges, which you need to be able to do in koth because the major strat when you don't have the point is to suicide your team in until you're close to having uber in an effort to get an advantage and retake the point.


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
If you don't mind, I'll sneak mine in there, it is a koth Egyptian map style. Now I don't know what time you guys test these, but my usual work schedule is 4pm-1am(EST) so if it's possible if someone could record a demo of play for me and upload it or record the mumble convo and upload it that would be very much appreciated. =)


I'll check it out, thanks.

We've been running and will probably continue to try and run pugs on Fri and/or Sat in either the early evening, or maybe the afternoon on Saturday. Last night we started at 8est, the week before we started at 9est; we'll probably shoot for starting at 8est at the latest because we tend to talk about the map for a half hour or so and it's kind of nice to be able to get three in before 12am.

Also, this is a little off topic, but, how do I include multiple quotes in one post to reply to? Is it just the quote code and I have to manually copy and paste the second quote in, or is there a button to grab multiple quotes that I'm just missing, thanks.

Edit: Lol, nvm, just noticed the multi-quote button, I'll try to use that in the future.


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
We just set up a media fire to upload the STVs to; if you're interested in that, the link is:,1 I'll still try to get the demos in the proper map thread too, but, if anyone else wants an easy way to find what we played or just check out the map demos, that will be the place.


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
Pugged Axle, Collis, and Trotim1 tonight. Those demos should be going up on the media fire I posted by tomorrow and I'll be posting them in the map threads as well, if I can find the threads. For Trotim1, we also recorded the mumbles of each team and the discussion after wards, I'll be posting the package of the demo and those audio files in that thread tomorrow, though, because I want to go to bed and don't want to wait for them to upload, hope that's not a problem.