The Asylum

Submitted for your approval: MELEEFORT. All melee, all the time!


Notice the inactive CP in the middle. CTF, CP, Arena, take your pick!

Wether it be Cagematch or Meleefort, I'm gonna' get a map with boxing/wrestling rings in popular rotation one of these days!

Junkyard: Creative re-imaginging of BLU's industrial theme, or an excuse to use HL2 props? YOU DECIDE!!

In the moat. Do not ask how long that chain took to make.


There is no man behind the curtain.

- Trains move simultaneously every 20s across the map. No warning other than a louder ambient noise surrounding them. They gib on impact, too
- Unlockable melee weapons like the Axtinguisher and KGB are allowed. Though I don't know why you'd want to use the Axtinguisher....
- Always 20s of setup, to let Heavys and Soldiers get in place.
- On CTF, when your Intel is in play (re: Picked up, dropped), the two gates uderneath the fort's billboard will close, forcing the Intel-stealer to run past the secondary enemy spawn, giving the enemy a chance to recover the Intel. Many people hate 2Fort for this, but hey, it's neccesary. The gates re-open when Intel is returned or captured.

Expect to see this sometime around next Gameday announcement
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L13: Stunning Member
Feb 20, 2008
219 wondering why the pics of this melee map have you holding a gun :p

The Asylum

Not so new and probably a little less exciting: meleefort_b1

^^ The train spawn doesn't look ugly anymore! HOORAY!!

The alpha build of the arena version I testplayed with some guys didn't strip the Sandvich which really broke the game. But no more! Also, working on fixing those goddamn train warning sounds.

I'm aiming to have the beta released after the next class update (and every subsequent beta released accordingly)

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
does this map use the server side cheat, or did you discover another work around?
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The Asylum

Right then, status update time. All the major changes have been completed (pretty-fied train tunnels, warning bells, etc) for the first beta release. Now we wait for the next class update.

So far, the Arena version plays pretty smoothly, haven't had a chance to play the ctf or cp version, but I'd wager it'll be about the same experience.

The Asylum

^^^ haha disregard that i suck cocks

No TF2 updates for 2008 sucks ass. So here's the Beta-1 build, releasing today!

I discovered a serious exploit in the arena version of the map (Of course I'm not going to tell you what it is or how to do it), that unfortunatley can't be fixed. It's unfixability discovered after a significant rehaul of the spawn rooms which, IMHO, were really for the better. They're not little block-rooms anymore! YAY!!

With that said though, here's new screens taken from the Arena version of MeleeFort:


RED's fort


BLU's fort

...... one fort two fort!

The CP in the middle. This will be the middle CP for the CP variant, and the only CP for the Arena variant.

Train spawns aren't ugly anymore, but the texturing misalignment sure is. I'll get around to fixing that....... later.

You've seen the train on RED's side of the map, now here's BLU's tra- OH SHIIIIIIIIII-

Corridor view of BLU's base. The "BLU's Brawl Base" in the courtyard will be the final CP on BLU's end in the CP variant, and the location of the Intel in the CTF variant

And a view of "RED's Rumble Ring." See comment for BLU's Brawl Base.

gg slugger no re

The final CP trigger areas and the Intel cap zones will be in the hazard stip boundaries




Other changes:

Trains have warning bells now, by popular demand.
Spawn rooms aren't ugly anymore
Due to new spawn room size, Setup is now 35s on CP and CTF variants
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The Asylum

An update before the Scout Pack? Yessir!

So I really didn't change anything visual other than add docks on both sides of the map, but I've finally gotten those pesky sv_cheats under control. No more Noclipping for you, mister.

At the general demand, more screens:

The middle cap for the CP variant, the only cap for the Arena variant, and non-existant in the CTF variant.

Some thirdperson trickery I'm currently entertaining.

I still think "Air Guitar Hero" shoulda been a Pyro Acheivement

A better view of RED's Rumble Ring, home to their intel in the CTF variant, and their final cap in the CP variant. Same goes for BLU's ring, only I call it BLU's Brawl Base ;)

I do have a feeling that Heavies will dominate on defense. Just like they should, though :p

And now for the screen you're all expecting:

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L6: Sharp Member
Jan 9, 2009
So I really didn't change anything visual other than add docks on both sides of the map, but I've finally gotten those pesky sv_cheats under control. No more Noclipping for you, mister.

Can you explain how you did that? I can't find a good tutorial :confused:

The Asylum

Well it isn't foolproof, but what I've done is 0.03 seconds after the sv_Cheats are changed to 1, (anytihng less won't strip the weapons for some reason) I send my point_servercommand an sv_Cheats 0 input. So yes, people can still noclip, but they have to be really fast about it.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
bind e "noclip"

I managed to gain noclip 9 times out of 10.
Not fixed.

No sensible admin is going to run this map if you mess around with sv_cheats activation.

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
It is the only way to do melee right now, and some people want melee only maps.

I'd also like to point out that when the server activates sv_cheats it is no longer vac secure until a restart.

The Asylum

There's still a few servers that run melee_ringking, so w/e.

But anyway, I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag this early, but what the hell.

cp_meleefort_b3. Middle point:



I know. I'm insane.

The Asylum

Alright, tough question time. The trains. Should they stay or go?

The current Anti-Train argument is "It takes a Melee fight and turns it into LOL TRAINS

The current Pro-Train argument is "LOL TRAINS"

The Asylum

Finally got the sv_cheats tightened up (I swear this time). But really, I'd like to know if I should get rid of the trains.

Now of course, though, seems like a perfect time to unleash new screens for the b3 update, released accordingly witht he Scout update (whenever the hell that is)


Look at them, all ready to serve their respective evil overlords.


Everything looks a little better now


Even the junkyard looks better!



I'm sure you've already seen this, so here's a better pic.


As it stands now, the trains in Arena mode are disabled. Yeah I know those are HL2 props.

Trains in the other two, however....



As previously mentioned, cp_meleefort_b3 will feature a full 5-point layout, as opposed to previous version's 3-point layout. These are the final caps.


The second-to-last caps.

And I'm sure you've already basked in the awesomeness that is the middle cap, so let's move on to the mode that I've just finished tweaking....



Holy toledo! WTF happened to the laughably awkward leftovers in the moat?

The front gates that close whenever you pick up the enemy intel? They still close. Those security fences? Those mean that you have to take the scenic route to get the intel into your base.


Other general changes include the removal of the Spy's disguise kit from the weapon stripper, meaning that they can disquise themelves now. Though I don't see why you'd want to, as Spies appear to enemies with their primary weapon out. So if you want to be a crappy (or crabby) Spy, be my guest.

Also, Medics can overheal their teammates in the spawnrooms. Defect or feature? You decide.

But now, seriously. The trains. I need an answer please. Should they stay taken out of Arena mode, or remove them from the other modes too?