Mirrored Maps - Series 2

CP Mirrored Maps - Series 2 Final


L4: Comfortable Member
Dec 29, 2009
Mirrored versions of 2Fort, Badlands and Granary maps.

After the surprise success of the first Mirrored Maps Pack, I now present Mirrored Maps Series 2.


Mirrored Maps Series 2 was going to be geared as a competitive play pack. It was originally going to contain a mirrored version of well but it turns out well is pretty much symmetrical and the effect would have been pretty weak.

A Mirrored Maps Special Edition competitive map pack has been released for the Ozfortress community and features Ozfortress branded cap points. The pack contains new mirrored maps cp_sdnaldab, cp_yranarg and brought back cp_tiplevarg from Series 1.

The Ozfortress Pack promotion page can be found here.
The release of this pack can be viewed on Ozfortress here if anyone is interested in seeing how it was received by the competitive community.

With tiplevarg already released in Series 1 a third map was needed to complete the 3 map pack for Series 2. 2Fort, love it or hate it, is still the most played map in TF2 and has been faithfully mirrored to round out the Series 2 release of Mirrored Maps.

New in the Series 2 maps are mirrored models. While I was able to get away with using the existing models in the Series 1 maps (at the expense of some sniper spots in the rocks on Badwater) it was clear that I was not able to do the same in Series 2. Badlands wouldn't have worked with the spire model being around the wrong way, neither would the last point of Granary had the stairs faced the opposite direction. If there is interest I'd be happy to release the models Ive mirrored so far (approx 10 models).

I'm planning on releasing a 3rd series of Mirrored Maps also, Goldrush is a definite.. probably Hydro.. A few people asked for Gorge previously.. I'm open to taking suggestions/requests for other mirrored maps. As before though, I wont be mirroring any of the official community maps without the expressed permission of the original mappers.

Anyways, I hope everyone finds these maps as much of a 'mindfuck' as the first series, and that people find as much enjoyment in playing them as I do in putting them together.

DISCLAIMER: I don't like modified Valve maps. Night versions, theme changes, added routes; they make me cringe. I understand that being edits to Valve maps that they aren't for everyone. I'm also the first to admit that there isn't a whole lot of skill involved in the production of these maps. My intention is not to showcase my skills as a mapper, or to gain respect, but to share a fun project and give a fresh alternative to popular, yet tired, maps.

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L4: Comfortable Member
Dec 29, 2009
Did you just select the entire map and flip it horizontally or what?

Kinda.. but a lot of the models don't flip and need to be rotated, the light_spots need to all be corrected, the angles in the light_env, env_sun, shadow_control etc need to be adjusted..

Some of the maps have custom mirrored mirrored skyboxes as well. Also as I posted in the OP Ive had to create mirrored versions of several models to be able to pull these maps off..

So is it a case of select all, flip horizontally and compile.. no. There is a bit of work required for each map, but as I stated in the disclaimer, it doesn't take a whole lot of skill to pull off either..


L3: Member
Sep 20, 2009
These maps cease to amaze and 'mindfuck' me:O.
It is a cool idea and sounds like the next release should be good.
a mirrored version of Upward might be fun to play for a suggestion.


L13: Stunning Member
Sep 30, 2009
These are possibly even better than series one well done :)


L1: Registered
Jun 5, 2010
Awesome! We'll be putting these on rotation on UKCS ASAP. <3

Great work Khuntza!
Sep 1, 2009
I congratulate you on making the already confusing 2fort even more confusing,


L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 23, 2009
The mindfuckery sensation that sweeping the nation continues with part 2! Looks good. I wonder how mirrored symmetrical maps play out.


L4: Comfortable Member
Dec 29, 2009
The mindfuckery sensation that sweeping the nation continues with part 2! Looks good. I wonder how mirrored symmetrical maps play out.

Badlands and Granary while symmetrical don't use mirrored symmetry to begin with (unlike maps like Viaduct and Pipeline) either end is a rotated copy of the other.. so mirroring works.

I spent a night play testing them with some mates and the effect is just as strong with 'symmetrical' maps as it is with others. So on Badlands instead of turning left to get to spire from mid you turn right etc.

Well on the other hand is pretty much vertically and horizontally symmetrical meaning all that would have happened would be that the forward spawns switched sides but each of the points would have played pretty much the same as the normal version.

Needs cp_peektoorged

Really? Or are you joking.. The effect would be minimal on such a new map I think..


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Upward doesn't have an available source file though.

We should start hounding Valve to release the rest of their VMFs. Including the community maps.


L4: Comfortable Member
Dec 29, 2009
Upward doesn't have an available source file though.

We should start hounding Valve to release the rest of their VMFs. Including the community maps.

For the maps so far Ive been using Vmex to decompile the BSPs.. I've just discovered BSPSource which I was gonna try out for the next batch of maps..

I learnt the hard way with trof2 though that Vmex doesn't decompile visclusters or occluders and it also doesn't grab model settings like ignore shadows and vertex lighting settings..

Upward has been suggested a few times and it is a map Id like to mirror.. pl_oodooh might be cool, but that would be pending permission from YM. Maybe series 3 could be a PL pack with goldrush rounding out the three.

I'm also tossing up right now if I should put the mirrored maps on hold and enter the (a)symmetry contest.. so it might be a while before I do series 3, I dunno..


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
For the maps so far Ive been using Vmex to decompile the BSPs..

Wait, which maps have you needed to use a decompiler for? All the maps you've flipped so far have been included in the SDK... haven't they?