thanks for putting mine early
my sis asked me to help her to pack to move out of her flat in birmingham on sunday, so i'll not stay to the end this time of the gameday, since need to be up early on sunday to beat the traffic. i'll prob stick around for 1/2 of the maps though
I was trying to d/l maps for today and was in the middle of pl_reservoir_1_8 when my machine locked up, I had to reboot and my windows install is hosed. I am reinstalling windows right now (posting from my Mac) hopefully I'll have my system back up and steam installed and everything ready to make it on for some of the maps in the afternoon.
I've mostly got my system running now; but whats odd is my entire Steam user name and subfolder is allllllllll gone.
I find this really really suspect since I was downloading a map; I'm wondering if a script or virus got me targeted somehow at steam users? I know thats paranoid but everything else I can check on my HD is fine.
Steam wasnt even open when it happened, I was just download maps from this site and FPSbanana.
I've lost some VMF files out of it but nothing serious since spacebase was already finished.
If this is your first time logging in after the migration (Feb 8, 2022), you must reset your password to log in. Follow this guide if you're having trouble