I don't understand why you put your map up for testing today. First of all, it's in RC--this means release candidate--which also means the testing is more or less over. Granted, you simply want players to play it--other than that, if you're not going actually join us for your own map's RC play though, why on earth would you waste our time? This map is nowhere near RC completion. It's beta 1 at best.
I don't mind the fact that we all played through your map for at least half an hour, or that there's an incredible amount of detailing issues and needed fixes that aren't there, or that I gritted my teeth and dealt with a lower than average frames per second rate, but what spikes it worse, you don't even show up.
No one has ever said it was required for the map author to show up to his/her map test here at tf2maps.net, but it reflects very poorly on that author to sign up for that spot and fail to show. What is the gameday test for, if not the author's own benefit?