haha get it version is b4 like b4nny the pro player haha
-fixed the abominable doors oh god im so sorry
-added details and things a lot better cool and good
-accidentally func_detail'd a bunch of details into one giant detail dunno if that'll break things
-added uh what's it called oh yeah clip brushes into some areas that were missing them yay
-fixed some weird skybox brushes i did a while ago lol
-added the entirety of pl_upwards into mid just kidding aha april fools wait it's not april 1st = [ shoot
-proper hint brushes and simple optimization work considering map is starting to have a lot more detail.
-proper full finish of skybox and clip brushes in major areas where the geometry is set in stone
-fixing some dev textures that remain due to old habits, as well as cleaning up some areas that have nodraws or gaps in entities like stairs leading from mid to the sniper platform type area near the main entrance to mid.
-continuing to add more detail and properly sculpt the map to feel like its a proper place somewhere.
-hopefully i can do a lot of foliage and trees in areas to make the map more lush and, in combination with details, make the map feel less flat and block-y.
Read the rest of this update entry...