
CP induction b2


47 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
Okay, here's some feedback!
1st point: I feel like the capture zone should be larger, and more defended. maybe add some walls.
2nd point: Same deal, capture point should be a bit larger, and the capture zone should be marked better. Maybe some more defense?


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
I like where this is going so far
This healthpack is frustrating to get to. I could only get across by crouch jumping from the very edge, and any classes slower than pyro aren't able to get this, crouch jump or not.
*Attacking snipers can cover this route very easily

*This entire area is pretty open, with little in terms of cover. Also take note of the top left
*Shown to the right, that opening in the fence allows snipers to easily cover almost the entire spawn area, including the only ramp up and out

*This area also seems quite open

*Some of the routes for attackers and defenders are a bit tight as well, such as the central route for attackers to get to A.

Overall, pretty fun. I'd love to see how this plays in an imp at some point, instead of just with bots.


L2: Junior Member
Feb 20, 2016
thanks to @YOYOYO and @DrSquishy for leaving feedback, hugely appreciated o/

- moved the risky pillar near cliff a little closer so soldiers are able to crouch jump onto it.
- moved fence at second further forward to cover more of the point.
- busted a ton of sightlines mentioned in the discussions.
- makes for more cover on first. ^
- added several rocks around the map for cover.
- added props to the factory-like building after first which make for a fun little parkour to reach a nice hiding/teleport spot on top of the water tanks.
-added fueltanks on top of a building near first to give soldiers potential to high bomb.
- changed the size of the capture trigger on second.

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L3: Member
May 24, 2018
I like the hydro theme of the map. If hydro did one thing right, it was aesthetic. From what I remember playing your map, point B was very snowbally. Either attackers got to the point right away and easily kept hold of it, or the defenders held them off and defended for the rest of the map. I would give the defenders a better advantage to get onto B from their spawn and give the attackers better routes to attack B from. It kinda felt like every route to B was a flank route, and Demomen and Engineers could keep all of those flanks under control at the same time!

(Oh, and you should also set "zero damage force" to yes on the brush that kills players that fall off the map.)


L2: Junior Member
Feb 20, 2016
got carried away in detailing/optimizing while trying to be inspired for the second stage of the map. still single stage for now.

-widened right side from first to second to be less of a flank route and a more viable main route.
-removed window in top tunnel to second.
-widened first point
-fixed spawn times
-added extra spawn door to second to decrease spawncamping
-lots of new props
-added some windows through the corridors to last to increase visibility over the point
-changed the layout of the first point building a bit.

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 20, 2016
fixed many visual bugs

some more details bla bla bla

preparing for 72hr jam where the second stage of the map will go available under the name cp_introduction

second stage will be same theme gravel-pit styled a/d

until then this is all i got to offer

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 20, 2016
woah! 2 updates in A WEEK?
it's possible!!

-added a new (flank) route to last to make spy a little more viable and to be a nice open way to push last.
-i lied, its still not multistage. i wanted to push this update out before the 72hr jam :/
-the fancy lights previously spotted only in the factory building-thing have now been scattered all around the map creating a more chilled down environment rather than the bloomy mess that it was.
-removed a one-way door on last
-added an overlay to a confusing decorative door near the cliff
-added a sign behind the health pack because people tend to still fall off
-moved the truck a little bit

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 20, 2016
-added sun
-redesigned most of second point
-added fences to the cliff at first
-placed some props messing with sentry spots
-indicated capture zones

-reduced both cap times by several seconds
-you now get 5 minutes to cap first and 7 to cap last instead of 5 all around

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 20, 2016
-changed respawn times for red after first gets capped
-second point has shifted towards the other elevation making it harder to defend
-all doorways are now properly clipped
-minor lighting tweaks
-added detail in obscure areas

ebic stuff

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 20, 2016
minor tweaks before test

made the ramp up to last bigger
shrunk the cap trigger for last
moved health around in the staircase building before first
the old FOAD sign is also back and properly packed this time

ebic gamers

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 20, 2016
maybe worthy of its own update but whatever i like the number 8

-indicated the decorative door even more on request
-fixed basically every clipping bug you could ever think of
-nice detail to the factory building connecting first to second
-fixed one of the blu spawndoors clipping out of the roof. still finding a fix for the other spawndoors so will be a bit off
-used vide over compiletrash this time so the FOAD sign should F I N A L L Y be there. yeah and the fence works now, nice
-red doesnt have a 40 second spawntime anymore (minor update tbh)

and most importantly,
-added a watercooler to blu spawn and a backup if @Erk gets too addicted

ebic bois

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L3: Member
Jan 10, 2017

Making this roof accessible would make this area for more interesting imo

This shutter-door should have a window

This entire room could be widened a bit

I feel like last relies too heavily on shutter-doors, maybe the left raised flank could have its door removed? Also the flank could maybe extend further, I'm not too sure that it should because I've only seen a8a play, but its hard to get behind enemy lines as spy.


L2: Junior Member
Feb 20, 2016
lots of shit

-removed one way window on second
-clipping, lots of clipping
-moved some fences and replaced them with small ones on last
-the U shaped building on last now has another entrance connected to the metal catwalk
-removed the catwalk shutter on last
-nice bumpy grounds in some places
-rotated building on first and made it accessible on the side
-fixed spawnpoints in blu spawn
-fixed invisible visualizer
-patches under pickups (stop crying)

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 20, 2016

-"all" dev textures have been removed and replaced with actual textures. might have missed some but I will find out later.
-reworked all cliff/rockwork to look nice and they are all displacements now
-reworked red spawn's interior
-pretty detailed for b1 but i guess thats alright for 1.5 months of idle.
-narrowed down the cliff-flank to first

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