I need help with MvM .Pop files please ;-;


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
Also it always says that it can't find the skybox texture a good 5 times for every compile until I use VIDE, probably completely unrelated, but I thought I might as well mention all the errors incase.
During a compile any errors relating to the skybox arent a problem. It can at most affect your cubemaps since it uses those to generate a default one (which is diffirent to the standard cubemap in maps which dont have any). When a texture is missing it no longer can do that and makes them purple/black checkers.

Also, to debug the nav file you can use "nav_edit 1" in console and it will display all the nav squares. This allows you to easily backtrack any potential problems since it will indicate blocked regions. Anything that is not showing as connected isnt, and if a square is filled with a color it is blocked (blue is for blue only - usualy at the visualizers of the spawnroom, red is the same but then on the bot side, and purple means both - which usualy means it found a problem). In some cases when its next to a prop putting some clipping brushes around it can be enough to solve it.
On a side note, when I finished killing off the 10 scouts I put in as a test, I was put into a full-bright version of decoy, completely unrelated but it happened.
Sounds like your own map is in fullbright currently and it changes to decoy since you completed the map. Which is standard behaviour to the game as decoy is the first map considered in the mvm rotation. It usualy happens when sv_cheats is on, but i have witnessed it aswel without sv_cheats.


MvM Maniac
Apr 5, 2017
Im actually with the same problem of Mr. DerpedGamer I also have everything but the console says i don't.
I may have done something wrong so i will remake the spawns i guess?

DerpedGamer and I solved the problem in the TF2Maps chatroom.

Make sure:
- You have at least 1 info_player_teamspawn at each func_respawnroom (for each team)
- The pop file is in the right place (rename a valve pop file to your map as a placeholder)
- You punch nav_generate into your tf2 console to make a nav file for your map


L1: Registered
Mar 27, 2017
Also, the hill the bots jump off of in my map was to high up and the bots didn't have a path to follow so the game didn't spawn the bots, but it still showed the waves.
(I fixed it by lowering the hill, but there are other methods I believe.)
So make sure that there is a functional nav path for the bots to follow
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MvM Maniac
Apr 5, 2017
You might need to mark a drop point on the nav mesh using nav_edit if that's the case (if I am not mistaken). The nav generator won't do this automatically if the cliff is too high.


L2: Junior Member
Apr 7, 2017
Mr. DerpedGamer i had the same thing, i will just leave this reply here so someone can help


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
In the event that you don't get a generated nav mesh for bot spawns due to the elevation difference, you can set the area manually via "nav_mark_walkable" while having nav_edit set to 1, so you see where is the mark going to be placed.

Marks for bot spawn and 'gameplay' area, for visual clarity.​

Then when you run nav_generate, it will generate a nav mesh based on the area around the marked locations.


L1: Registered
Aug 30, 2024
Can't open scripts/population/crossfarm.pop.
Parse Failed in CPopulationManager::Initialize for scripts/population/crossfarm.pop
can someone help me with this one? (im new to the hammer)


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
Can't open scripts/population/crossfarm.pop.
Parse Failed in CPopulationManager::Initialize for scripts/population/crossfarm.pop
can someone help me with this one? (im new to the hammer)
I'm gonna need a bit more info on what exactly happens here:

Do you just launch the map and get this error? Do you have a nav mesh?
Have you checked the .pop file in case there's a missing or extraneous bracket somewhere?


L1: Registered
Aug 30, 2024
i like just only launched and once i spawned i checked in console and this was error
here i send a pop file in case


  • mvm_crossfarm_advanced.pop
    12.7 KB · Views: 18


L1: Registered
Aug 30, 2024
about navmesh idk about it much like i use nav_generate and thats all
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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
Did you just name your map to crossfarm and that's it?
The reason that popfile isn't loading is because MvM expects to find the missions under the name of the map, so there's no missions to be found under "crossfarm"
Try renaming the popfile to the same name as the map and use proper prefixing in the future.
Also as a last point of advice: mvm.tf is notoriously poorly made and ancient by this point so you should never really use it straight out (It can't even do RandomChoice correctly because it puts everything into a Squad which breaks the wavebar)