Guild Wars 2

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
45 minutes of Ascalonian Catacombs.

Viewing this, I'm not sure how I still feel about the game. I was SOOO Excited to hear about it, but now I see that it is a wonderful game, but it really doesn't seem like the "spectacular" mmo everyone is saying it is. as here is why.

Combat looks messy... Maybe I've fallen out of MMORPG's... but the combat looks messy compared to GW1. In GW1, you had off-class roles (eg: sins which are usually glass cannons, would be tanks, warriors, usually tanks, would be AoE dps) but even with the off-class roles, there was some form of organization. Since GW2 doesn't have classes, it appears (and this may change with more people playing it) that people are all just running in gun-ho, not much cooperation between players.

What I'm seeing is just a comparitvely harder than usual mob, and everything just shooting him. I see not much (if any) cooperation between players. Maybe it's just THIS dungeon, but from the other video's I've seen, its a lot of a boss standing still, sending out certain "minions" or "effects" to do it's major fighting. I mean, that doesn't look to new to me, nor too fun. You don't have really any attachment to the fight, you are just a damage number.

MY suggestion, and what I hope to see. Is more mobile enemies. After a certain a point of health, a mob/boss could actually become more mobile. Dragons/spirits/etc get up, start to fly/run around. You give chase. Why would this be useful? 1) that is a bit more realistic, but 2) then you give more urgency to the boss fight. You have a dragon or monster in an open field, and then, it gets angry and starts to attack a village. Players now have a sense of urgency and attachment to the battle.

And, as mentioned before, because of this, I'm not seeing the whole "every class can do every role thing" I see the warriors tanking, the casters doing dps and the support doing support...

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm cynical. but this is what I'm seeing.

(I also don't like the conversations, and I don't like the crafting thus far... Also there is repairing of armor!? I guess I got my standards too high)

PS. I will admit the 2 bosses where you have to pull them apart to make them easier is a pretty good idea...


Jul 31, 2009
No, it's not the miracle MMO. But anyone with half a brain knew that. It's going to have it's flaws.

And you know what? Every game will. And perhaps you should play the game before making a judge. From what I've heard, combat gets much better as you level.
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
No, it's not the miracle MMO. But anyone with half a brain knew that. It's going to have it's flaws.

And you know what? Every game will. And perhaps you should play the game before making a judge. From what I've heard, combat gets much better as you level.

Yea, of course. This is just based off what I'm seeing. Naturally I want to play it before I do it.

But people who have played are saying similar things to this... Get me a beta key and I'll tell you allllll about it.


Jan 6, 2008
Carefully skipping over Frozen's post because I don't feel like writing a novel, I'm just here to drop off this for everyone to see:

Because he's probably the best guy out there for information on GW2 lore and mechanics, and you could learn a lot from his videos very quickly whether you're already really interested in the game, or you're just scratching the surface.


Dec 5, 2007
I...think I preordered this the other week when it was on cheap, I don't even remember.. :|


Jan 6, 2008
Last I heard there was a bit of confusion over whether you get the pre-purchase privileges that ArenaNet offer on their site, if you buy the game from somewhere else. I'm not sure, this might've been resolved at some point... but that's why I'm waiting and getting it from their site, just to be sure.


Dec 5, 2007
Where? Because official pre-orders go out in 1 week.

If you pre-ordered somewhere, it might be sketchy or you pre-ordered a pre-order.

Checked my email receipts and turns out it was Diablo 3. Heh. I did consider this though. I think I'll wait till it's out though since I preordered Borderlands and D3 on the same day


Jan 6, 2008
So considering you can be in as many guilds as you want, there is no reason for us not to make one. Unless of course we get like... 3 people interested.

Anyway, if we do make a guild, it needs a name, and TF2Maps is a bit lame. How about, err... Fortress Cartographers. I dunno, it should at least be something that fits the game roughly.


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
Anyway, if we do make a guild, it needs a name, and TF2Maps is a bit lame. How about, err... Fortress Cartographers. I dunno, it should at least be something that fits the game roughly.

We were going to go with Mapper's Guild unless someone thought of something better.

Anyway, who's going to be playing in the BWE this weekend?


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
So, pretty fun overall. Structured PvP was enjoyable, and WvWvW can only be described as ridiculous.

I played a Necro up to 15 and a Mesmer to 9, didn't help me decide which one I liked more. The weapons system is good, but I was having a hard time getting weapons to feel like they worked together.