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PLR Frostfell B2

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.
May 2, 2009
Alpha 8 everyone!

25.3.2012 // Alpha 8

Changed the last point to be more open and hopefully more defendable
Changed dynamic doors visually
Changed deathpit visually
Changed furthest spawn door visually

And some clipping, added health/ammo and fixed something.
Mar 20, 2012
It appears that, in the version you have uploaded in the contest upload thread, you haven't built your cubemaps. You might want to re-upload the version with cubemaps loaded.


Also, I wasn't sure if you're saving this for later, but there's nodraws, devtextures and a total lack of a skybox in this playable area. It really hurts an otherwise phenomenally detailed map.


Great work!

Jun 17, 2010
He did say he is updating the submitted version all the time so i assume the cubemaps were due to that.

Though i noticed the same thing when i was looking that map yesterday. Looks really odd that window floating in the air and other parts of that particular space.

Time is running out! Faster! Harder!
May 2, 2009
I forgot to add the cubemaps in the b1 and I have now fixed a lot of small errors. I have no idea how I missed the floating window with that version, but it's also fixed! I'm now starting to work on skybox and then add the final version of this which as LeSwordfish sayd should be b1a or something. Hopefully I get to upload it before I go to see Iron Sky!


Aug 31, 2008


Well, I must say that the gameplay in this map is rather good, but not great, because it has a couple of issues. The main issue of the map is the fact that one one team pushes their cart to the enemy base, it's hard for the opposite team to win.

This is because, that team which manages to push their cart first, can focus all players on attack. While in the same time, the other team has to decide, whether to defend, attack and risk to lose, or split up. To have either a weak defense or weak attack.

Other wise, the map is quite fun, with both open areas which give advantage for airborne classes, and chokes for close combat classes. There are some nasty sightlines though, especially near spawn. A sniper can easily stand in spawn, while having a nice view of surrounding area.


In my opinion the map was quite Balanced, with some issues. The main issue as i mentioned before, was the fact that the first team to push to the enemy base, will have a 99% chance to win the map. Rarely the opposite did happen.
One team will always leave their cart behind, in order to defend.

The map doesn't really exclude any class, there are some areas where one or another will be stronger, but then there are areas where the opposite will happen.

Although, there is one thing that i really disliked, and i'm probably not the only one. This actually is the main reason why rounds take so long to play. The final push with rollback zone is really annoying, especially in the part where cart rolls back on a flat surface. This requires either a lucky push, or all team to push the cart. Otherwise, one round can take up to 30 minutes. However, this really depends on each players like, some would prefer short rounds, while others to defend or to attack for a long period.

Dynamic element

The dynamic element in this map, wasn't anything special. Being a simple door, which opens once a cart has arrived. I feel that the map could work as good without it too, since rollbacks had a bigger impact on the gameplay rather than the door.

It feels quite simple, also Aesthetics wise didn't really make any sense, why was the a door there, why does the track have to go up. Few things to consider.

And yeah, gameplay wise, having only rollbacks, would be way better than having that door, since i feel that it's not that needed, and barely ever gives any advantage for any team.


I must say that the Aesthetics in this map are quite nice, however, really messy. For example, in blue team there are like 6 or even more textures use to detail it. No matter whether they fit for Red team team, or blue. In this case it just feels like, the mapper just threw the textures there just for some change, without realizing that it will look awful.

The detailing in some other areas looked strange too, either because of lack of time, or any other reasons.

One really strange thing is snow, snowing from nowhere, because those few clouds in the skies, didn't give me a feeling that it is going to snow. It looked more like a sunny day.

Also, in my opinion it wasn't the best idea to copy paste one side of the map, change the textures and put it back for the other team. It's really noticeable that such kind of detailing has been in last few minutes, just so it looks better, however when you look closer, you can see that only textures were changed, and some of them weren't even properly aligned.

Some things, that I have noticed:
Really messy detailing in blue spawn.
Actually, in most of the indoor areas.
Out of bonds areas look really boring and uninteresting.
Again, messy texturing in blue side.
Such clouds, can't really make me think of snow.
Never, ever, use the same texture for walls and ceilings, it looks just awful.
This bucket, however is creative.
You can see the result of copy paste, without anything changed except for textures.
How did these boxes/barrels get in there, and get stacked like this.
These doors just going into the wall looks strange.
I get stuck here.
Make the flat part not a rollback.


As with most of the maps, I didn't have any noticeable fps drops, and neither had heard anything from others. I have had no issues in this map at all, and due to the simpleness of the detailing it has, there shouldn't be any, so the mapper did a really nice job! This actually is a rare case I can give max points.
May 2, 2009
So, long time no posts.

At the moment Im doing my practical training and haven't had much time to fix frostfell. I think I'll upload fixed b1c version without touching the layout or textures. I also have couple of new ideas how the stalemates could be avoided and how the map could become more fun. I really like to get rid of the 30min stalemate situation as my design idea was to have max 10min rounds each time.

I'm also considering doing my own props and make frostfell look more like Ice Cube manufactoring thingy and maybe adding something like Frostfell Co. sign somewhere.
May 2, 2009
Beta 2 is finally here after fighting furiously against errors and missing entities!

05.07.2012 // Beta 2

Completely remade Blu side of the map. Now follows Blu architecture

Added obstacles on the balcony
Obscured sightline from balcony to dynamic door
Added draw distances on various models
Added 3d skybox
Added new skybox texture
Added more detail in unplayable areas

Fixed various player clips
Fixed misaligned textures
Fixed trigger_push not pushing hard enough near end pit

And something else I can't remember

I'll wanted to release this beta 2 as a fixed version and not so much as a new map where I test various changes I'm planning to do, beta 3 will be the changed one.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Bumping this, because the site only has up to Alpha 10, but at least Beta 2 is available. Does anyone have a copy?


Nov 1, 2009
I saw that the dropbox link to the latest version of this map is dead so I've uploaded it here:

What a shame that so many maps will have been lost due to Dropbox killing off it's old public links