
PL Eruption B14

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Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

Pre-Beta update!

In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤ The right route for attacking got a small rework
➤ improved the displacements
➤ gave blu a small health pack
➤ Extended Red's cover from the left route so Blu have less visibility over red's defence.
➤added some fences on the high ground
-----Point B-----
➤ Made blu a little stronger getting into B. Now their fences are see-through and they have a little more height advantage

Read the rest of this update entry...

Lem Mem

L3: Member
Nov 1, 2020
I feel the frustration with trying to get payload lasts to work... Very excited for beta! This is one of my most anticipated payload maps, and I'm very hyped to see it detailed.


Feb 8, 2016
I feel the frustration with trying to get payload lasts to work... Very excited for beta! This is one of my most anticipated payload maps, and I'm very hyped to see it detailed.
thank you so much my friend for your kind words!
I will release one last alpha update with everything people suggested before starting detailing. I will try to release the best possible product I can.
Feel free to suggest anything you want. Any piece of feedback is much appreciated

Lonely Author

L2: Junior Member
Aug 27, 2021
It went well!
Sadly, I can't provide a demo since my older brother decided to pop on, and his steam is his real name so I need to protect him.
But, all went well! (Ignore that I may have topscored as sniper)
Surprisingly, there was few nav errors when I generated, so from valve's gang, 100% playable, great layout!


Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

Last Alpha Update! (For sure this time... I promise..)

In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤Fixed the displacements now sewing
➤Moved the rock with the palm tree closer to Blu's right route for cover
➤Reworked the right route a little.
➤Improved the collisions on the rocks.
-----Point B-----
➤Made the sniper's cover weaker for Red
➤Made sniper's upper sightlines weaker for Blu
➤Moved the bridge a few hammer units so as to give blu more cover from the Red's sniper sightline
➤Added a small ramp on the cart's path...

Read the rest of this update entry...


Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

I can explain...

In this update:
-----Point A-----
➤opened up the closed doors on the left side that lead to point B. Red can retreat from there if the need now.
➤Gave the right side for attackers more cover.
➤Fixed a sightline.
-----Point B-----
➤ Made the waterfall quieter
➤Placed shutter doors on the waterfall flank in order to simplify the layout when attacking B.
➤Also the first Blu forward spawn was moved closer.
➤Tweaked hp/ammo packs so there are fewer of them on B.

Read the rest of this update entry...


Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

Beta Frickin' 1

In this update:
➤Detailed Points: A,B and D.
➤Optimized the map more.
➤Added more clipping
➤Fixed a few issues.
➤Made the map laggier lol.

-----Point A-----
➤Added a rock on the right side of Red's Defence. This should block a sightline and make holding the point a little bit easier.
➤Moved the point away from B a little.


-----Point B-----
➤Gave Red more cover and space.
➤Made the platforms on the highground have more...

Read the rest of this update entry...


L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
I've waited for that update, details are great! :)

We uploaded version b1 on our server and I have little feedback related to the last BLU spawn:
1. If BLU respawn in concrete place, they cannot move until they switch classes. Its bad news for engineers and their stuff :c

2. The last BLU spawn seems to be too close the last point or the last RED spawn.
It's definitely more easy for RED to spawncamp BLU (server with class limits)

Anyway, I wait for next updates of the map :)


Feb 8, 2016
I've waited for that update, details are great! :)

We uploaded version b1 on our server and I have little feedback related to the last BLU spawn:
1. If BLU respawn in concrete place, they cannot move until they switch classes. Its bad news for engineers and their stuff :c

2. The last BLU spawn seems to be too close the last point or the last RED spawn.
It's definitely more easy for RED to spawncamp BLU (server with class limits)

Anyway, I wait for next updates of the map :)
Thank you man, I will definitely address those issues in the next update!


Feb 8, 2016
Detailing's lookin fly so far. It does feel a bit too gray with flat lighting a lot of the time though. Idk if you copied merc park's lighting or not but perhaps play around with it a bit.
I will definitely tweak the lighting in the next version (b2)
Thank you for your kind words and feedback!


Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

Improvements while working on B2

In this update:
➤Fixed some prop fades
➤clipping and lighting were improved a little.
➤certain props that a sniper could hide and make it difficult to tell where he is got removed or moved around.
➤Added a trigger hurt on the lava at spawn.
➤Fixed being able to build at spawn.
➤Fixed getting stuck at spawn.
➤Fixed a small issue the holograms.

-----Point A-----
➤Blocked the left route for attackers, the goal is to make the first point more defendable. This is an idea I...

Read the rest of this update entry...


Server Staff
Jul 8, 2019
Now that the map is in beta and more people are complaining about fps it's time for some optimization concerns that I'm seeing.

The map makes proper use of areaportals so that's all fine but it seems a lot of the visleafs around the map are not being cut properly which may result in an excessive amount of the map being rendered at once. Obviously this was an issue for people the most on A but I believe it is something that occurs throughout all of the map.


You can see in your portalfile or with mat_leafvis that some of the visleafs are extending from the floor all the way to the skybox. This means that by default players in this visleaf will be treated as if they could be on the ground or in the sky and renders things accordingly. Inside of this visleaf you end up with most of the first point rendering at once. While the areaportals help it is not perfect.


To fix this you have to make sure to cut the visleafs horizontally with hint brushes at height levels of meaningful cover and make sure that any props / displacements meant to provide cover are also given nodraw world brushes to tell vis that they actually block visibility. The more accurately you make your world brushes conform to the level, the more info vis has to optimize it (to a certain extent).

I assume this is something you planned to do more work on later into beta but it is important to keep in mind as much as possible now since frames will only get worse the more you detail.


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Feb 8, 2016
Now that the map is in beta and more people are complaining about fps it's time for some optimization concerns that I'm seeing.

The map makes proper use of areaportals so that's all fine but it seems a lot of the visleafs around the map are not being cut properly which may result in an excessive amount of the map being rendered at once. Obviously this was an issue for people the most on A but I believe it is something that occurs throughout all of the map.


You can see in your portalfile or with mat_leafvis that some of the visleafs are extending from the floor all the way to the skybox. This means that by default players in this visleaf will be treated as if they could be on the ground or in the sky and renders things accordingly. Inside of this visleaf you end up with most of the first point rendering at once. While the areaportals help it is not perfect.


To fix this you have to make sure to cut the visleafs horizontally with hint brushes at height levels of meaningful cover and make sure that any props / displacements meant to provide cover are also given nodraw world brushes to tell vis that they actually block visibility. The more accurately you make your world brushes conform to the level, the more info vis has to optimize it (to a certain extent).

I assume this is something you planned to do more work on later into beta but it is important to keep in mind as much as possible now since frames will only get worse the more you detail.
Thanks man, I will definitely address those Issues in the next update!


Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

Beta 2 : New A, New detailing, Better B.

In this update:
➤Impoved clipping, fps and detailing.
➤Added color correction.
➤Changed the lighting.
➤Fixed a lot of props fading out sooner than they should.

----Point A-----
➤Reworked the entire point.
----Point B-----
➤Restricted Blu's highground
➤Made it really difficult for Red to get up to Blu's highground. Only jumping classes can now.
➤Reduced the angles where fights can happen...

Read the rest of this update entry...