Entity name for the PD/RD drops?


L1: Registered
Nov 19, 2017
tl;dr: I'm looking for the entity name of the PD drops so I can spawn them manually, or another way to spawn them.

I got an idea for a PD map with have a random event where the points (which are the beer on Watergate, gibs on Monster Bash, etc.) just drop from the sky, both to speed the rounds up and to get campy players out of the woodworks.
Thing is, I can't figure out what entity the PD drops are, and Google didn't really help at all. I was hoping to just spawn it via a env_entity_maker, like what you can do with Halloween bosses/item_teamflags. So, does anyone by chance know what entity it is, or if it is spawnable at all?

(Asking this here instead of on Discord so I can easily read it back if answered)


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
The PD drops are item_teamflags set to Game Type 6. You'll probably have to turn off Smart Edit to do that. You'll also have to set their Point Value keyvalue for them to be worth any points when you pick them up!

The RD drops are called item_bonuspacks, and the model they use will be overriden with the model you choose in your tf_logic_player_destruction/tf_logic_robot_destruction entity. These are instantly added to your team's score when touched, rather than picked up and carried like the flags.

Having either rain from the sky might be hard; when spawned via templates they just float in place. I have no idea how you'd go about fixing that, but you might want to take a look at the map Rapture and how that was done behind the scenes for something kind of similar.


L1: Registered
Nov 19, 2017
Thanks for the reply!

Game type 6 works perfectly to make them compatible with PD, and I found out you can even set their model separately from the player dropped ones, so changing their keyvalues makes sense too.
As for the falling, parenting the flags to a physics entity seems to do the trick. I'm not particularily familiar with all the available physics entities in Source, so I just bodged some stuff together with a prop_physics, and it seems to do the job. I'm not sure what Yrr used, as I don't recognise the yellow square, but I would imagine it's something similar.