
KotH Electron a13


L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower submitted a new resource:

Electron - Simulating unpredictable physics with unpredictable mercenaries

This map started out with the name "VerticalityTest" (yes exactly that lol) as a quick block out of a layout I had in mind. Only after booting it up in game and having my friend tell me that it was actually fun did I consider the potential of making this into a playable map. That being said, I have no clue how this map will play. Am curious to see how it goes.

Huge huge huge thank you to Missing_data for motivating me to get the map into an alpha and for giving lots and lots of...

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016


L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
egaowmerinhugewgbgnaiwbeugiabuewi. LMAO. Thank you YES :)
This is a surprisingly good representation of the idea/theme that I had in mind for the map lol. Omg thanks for this!


L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

Wood and Air Update

- Added boards on the broken windows to make it more obvious that you can, in fact, not go through them.

- Changed the wooden ramps on either side into wooden planks (to remove the gap that previously had to be jumped and that one could fall through).

- Added signs to mark the non-broken but open window that can be jumped through.

- Changed a few textures next to jump pads to hazard tape to keep consistency.

- Changed values of health and ammo pickups. (2 Medium ammopacks in cave flank...

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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

Compromise and Experiment Update

I didn't want to make some of these changes, but I kept hearing them often, so I thought it'd be worth trying them out. However, now that I've actually implemted them, I kinda vibe with them. I do like this.
These changes are listed in a very unorderly way lol. These were written as I made the changes, so idk, feel free to psycho-analyse my process, if that's even possible lol.

- Increased ammo pickups in the teams' bases from medium to full (to help engie set up on the map maybe?).


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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

Tweaks and Thwacks Update (a4)

- Added a way to disable and re-enable the capturing of the point. Use the commands: "ent_fire DisableCap trigger" and "ent_fire EnableCap trigger" respectively to do that. This however doesn't reset the control point's ownership, so if RED owns the point when the relay is fired, then they'll stay as the owner and their timer will still keep ticking down while BLU will be unable to cap. That's something I'd like to change, but as it's not a priority right now I let it be.

- Extended the...

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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

3 Towers Update

3 Towers Update

- Added light to the back of the windbox to signal that there is a health pack there.

- Added a light onto the full health pack on mid.

- Added power cable somewhere on the map. (Oooh.. spooky)

- Replaced the white patches underneath health packs to an off-blue one instead to stand out better from the white dev texture ground.

- Added another exit from the lower dropdown exit.

- Added a MASSIVE cylinder in the middle of the not-so-glassy-anymore catwalk with two...

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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Update (a6)

- Removed shutter doors to the bridge and made the exit slightly larger.

- Added a medium health pack directly below point with a light shining on it.

- Added more solid cover to the point.

- Changed nearly all of the glass on the map to the green version.

- Extended the orange bridge cutting the exits that previously had shutter doors.

- Extended the orange platforms on the side of the windbox.

- Each side has been pushed 128 units further back from mid. So there is now 256...

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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

Detail and feedback-tail Update (a7)

- Fixed up the soundscapes a tad. (I noticed the nucleus soundscape i use for the base interiors was playing when standing on any of the platforms between the windbox and the point.

- Changed the brick texture on the windbox to match the one used elsewhere on the map, like the point.

- Changed the chicken wire texture on red side to a metal fence texture. (Felt like it'd fit in better.)

- Changed the chicken wire on top of the catwalk besides the point to a glass texture.

- Changed the...

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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

Jump Jump and Help Me Up-date

Included some more screenshots this time!
Ignore the text in top left.

- added tire

- Added a roof and windows to the windox. (Properly clipped too.)

- Cleaned up some random brushwork around the map. (I do this with most updates, but felt like mentioning it here specifically).

- Fixed some visible nodraw on the red catwalk.

- Added a couple areaportals here and there to prepare for detailing. (And just for the sake of simple optimization too of course.)

- Extended the...

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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

Fog Woman Update (a9)

There weren't actually that many changes this time around (imo). But I felt like the changes were large enough for another version. I also had way too much fun looking around the map and taking screenshots of it now that I added the fog and shadow entities from hydro to the map.

- Moved a light prop that was a stuck in a wall out of the wall. (nobody told meee!! Gahh.)

- Fixed one of the jump pads firing the wrong particles. Woops, lol. Tbf, I was really tired out when figuring those...

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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

Unsightly Update (a10)

- Added a new hint brush to make it so jumpers, if they jump high enough, won't see the insides of the caves pop in and out.

- The jet particles for the jump pads are now angled to indicate what direction the jump pad will launch you. A great suggestion by Meff! I added this to just the jump pads that are outside and can be accessed from any direction.

- Removed the fences in the cavern areas outside of spawn. These were originally added to avoid spawncamping, but I was suggested by Goom...

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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

Elevated Observance Update (a11)

- Reworded the text again using the words people used during the playtest used. ("spiritually koth_hightower" is so true(!) so i just had to change it to that, way more accurate and hopefully gets the message across better.)

- Added a bit more cover again to the point.

- Added a little detailing to BLU side. Includes a new monitor that tells which team is currently in possession of the point.


- Made the building around the exits to the main bridge thinner, so the doorway is...

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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

Fix 'er Up-date (a12)

- Made it so the RED vehicle elevator interacts with whichever team won the round.

- The spawn jump pad's with a door over the top of them now destroy any engineer buildings that are built on them when the doors open. (previously the buildings just floated there when the doors were opened, though thankfully I haven't seen anyone actually use this in a game lol.)

- Remade all of the pipes from scratch to look better, be more consistent, and so on.

- *Un*detailed the glass catwalks. Just...

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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

It's not even a friday anymore

Friday Update (a13)

- Fixed the announcer not counting down till the point unlocks.

- Added a second resupply to spawn.

- Removed dividers on the cylinder tower, let's see how this plays.

- Detailed more.

- added a window to the wall next to the point.

- The vehicle elevator can now crush people.

- Added two more signs onto the cylinder.

- Added a new barrier in the caves near mid.

- All windows on the map are now a standardized 4 units thick. Before some were 4, others 8 and a few...

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L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2024
IceFlower updated Electron with a new update entry:

Friday Update (a13)

it's not even a Friday anymore. However, it is the 13th alpha...

- Fixed the announcer not counting down till the point unlocks.

- Added a second resupply to spawn.

- Removed dividers on the cylinder tower, let's see how this plays.

- Detailed more.

- added a window to the wall next to the point.

- The vehicle elevator can now crush people.

- Added two more signs onto the cylinder.

- Added a new barrier in the caves near mid.

- All windows on the map are now a...

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