

L5: Dapper Member
Sep 10, 2009
My Contest Entry for the TF2M CTF map contest. It takes place at a Dam (not pictured) in the middle of winter. It's relatively small and, so far, very undetailed in order to test the gameplay before I detail it any further.

Game type is classic ctf.
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L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 7, 2010
Alright, I did a runthrough, and wow. This map looks very good. Some very small things I noticed, not major issues.


What is this area for? It seems to have no purpose in the map. (Then again, I'm not very observant and am probably missing something :p)


Texture misalignment. Easy fix.


You can get stuck on the rope part here. I would recommend playerclipping.

Also, the dam is really nice (love the name, too :p). Overall, very very good work here. Looking forward to this on gameday!


L5: Dapper Member
Sep 10, 2009
Alright, I did a runthrough, and wow. This map looks very good. Some very small things I noticed, not major issues.

What is this area for? It seems to have no purpose in the map. (Then again, I'm not very observant and am probably missing something :p)

There was a bug early on where if someone got underneath the elevator platform as it was moving down they'd literally get pushed into the ground. This little pit was meant to solve that but its success is dubious at best.

Texture misalignment. Easy fix.

Will fix.

You can get stuck on the rope part here. I would recommend playerclipping.

I knew I forgot something.

Also, the dam is really nice (love the name, too :p). Overall, very very good work here. Looking forward to this on gameday!

Responses in bold. Thanks for looking through it, I have many things to fix and things to do!


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
Well there generally aren't elevators in TF2. The only map I know of that uses one is Garbage Day. It's hard to make them work in TF2, honestly.


L5: Dapper Member
Sep 10, 2009
Well there generally aren't elevators in TF2. The only map I know of that uses one is Garbage Day. It's hard to make them work in TF2, honestly.

Unfortunately I have learned this from experience. Whether the elevator will stay or be removed in place of a teleport or some good old-fashioned stairs is up in the air at this point.


L4: Comfortable Member
May 30, 2009
the big signs in the middle (screenshot 3) just feelt in the way, there need to be something there for cover but it should be smaller so you dont have to jump from the ramp to enter the middle area, (I know its possible to go under the ramp but dont think many did that).

Also the platform around the intel-house feels to tight in some places. Wheres the 5th screenshot, the broken bridge from? Is it a playable area? Either way ive missed it yesterday, but I like the look of it :D


Sep 10, 2008
Icarus: well
Icarus: the only issue I really found with my short time on the map
Icarus: is your mid
Icarus: those signs kinda look like they're blocking the way
Icarus: which they are
Icarus: but I always try to climb over them
Icarus: make the wall look more natural


Jul 31, 2009
Played it today. The main problem I found is that massive sightline, from one intel to the other. You really need to do something about that.

Also, your respawn cabnet isnt on the wall, and why do your doors go down?

Those are the main problems I found. Fix that sightline, mainly. Other than that, nice work!