
PLR Cutter B5

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Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Gonna try my best with this feedback, I haven't gotten to playtest this nor is PLR a gamemode I super like but I'd like to make the attempt to help.


This area directly outside the high ground of spawn feels really awkward to navigate at the moment. I think with shaving a tad bit off of spawn building (that ~125 degree angle you see in blue at the roof of the building) as well as removing that presumed-to-be Sightline blocker would make it feel a lot less strange to walk around.

I know this is meant to make sniper less powerful but a sniper on the battlements should be able to defend the cart from being capped. It's a reasonable sightline to have, given it's at the BLU spawn. I will say I like the Christmas tree serving as a dynamic sightline block. It works really well.

Could afford to thin the staircase up a bit by widening the area where the cart travels. Always good to have a decent-sized area so players are actually able to move around the cart comfortably.

Combining these windows into a singular window would be fine imo. Makes this area feel less cramped.

These rollback and roll forward zones are really unnecessary. Having it be a normal cart path in the team's own area is fine.

Put simply, I think the sightline blocker here is irrelevant. The rock here covers more than enough, as well as the already-established wall that you can see in the upper-right area. The blocker can also be completely negated by just crouching and *then* sniping. Meanwhile, if it is or is not there, a cheeky player from the opposite team can just hug the rock and not need to worry.

Just stick with the dropdown here. The staircase is really janky.

This rolldown zone will end up making it harder to defend last, as you basically just have a free 2-second push of the cart. Please remove it with a2.

On a second looking at your spawn, I feel like it doesn't have the kind of flow that puts people in the right direction of the cart path. (Stay with me here) Your main spawn entrance, which in terms of the inside spawn design, is actually really smart! I like it, I think it's good. However upon leaving, your first inclination is to look forward, right? You're coming right out of spawn, you're no sure where to go. But then you see a doorway! That doorway eventually leads players to the flank of the map, which is the 2nd bridge that does not have the payloads crossing it. This eventually will lead to a bottleneck of sorts (or I guess more accurately, a choke) as you're funneling players into the flank, where you're not meant to have a lot of players moving around. i feel like that is a major flaw and I think if you just re-adjusted the direction of where your players leave from the MAIN spawn door, it could be a lot better.

Overall, while I have my gripes with your map, I do believe it has a lot of potential to be a good Single-stage PLR map. I do not say this lightly, as most single-stage PLR maps that I have played have suffered with a major lack of clarity in their design. With these changes, along with some potential future changes down the road, I believe you can make it to RC status in a relatively simple amount of time. I really like how you've set up the christmas tree aspect of your map; It fills a good niche in your cover, and it looks nice in the play space. Your main hub area feels really creative and I like the little docks you have with an ice path going between them. I, additionally, like the waterfall at the back of the dock area, as it adds a unique kind of atmosphere to the map. I am excited to see this map be continued, and I hope that you can see what I see in the map and have the motivation to continue development of this map in the future. The world needs more good PLR maps.

I hope you have a good day,
Minty "Katsu! :3" Aulenrose


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
I might have some motivation to work on this again. Its been a bad week for me and I've wasted 5 days doing nothing on this, with only 6 left to go. If anyone has an suggestions on how to rework the layout, I'd like to test at least 1 more version before the contest ends. I attached an overview screenshot to hopefully help.


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L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
I'm thinking of reskinning this for Halloween. It would basically require an entirely new art pass and geometry. I just have to think of a theme for the two bases.

Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
I think a halloween version of this map would be intriguing but I would appreciate a gameplay evaluation prior to starting work on it; I like Cutter, but I genuinely think that its current iteration needs some improvement to how it makes teams flow through the map. I understand that this is a PLR map (and honestly, a single-stage PLR map that understands gameplay flow better than some ahem certain maps), however that is not to say the map is without its problems. It feels like you're spreading resources too thin, and it becomes frustrating as a player when I lose because my team's resources are just kinda... well, scattered. Please give it a shot, I want Cutter (and maybe the halloween version) to succeed since it's so, so CLOSE to be a great example of single-stage PLR done right!


L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
Excellent map! More Winter Payload Race maps are welcome.

I did want to point out one issue that my server had while playtesting the map. This area near spawn allows you to get stuck on the ceiling quite easily, and they mentioned it was replicatable. Very similar to some of the issues Upward currently has where you can get stuck on certain areas. I'll ask the players for more information and pass it along if you need any details! Keep up the great work!



L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
Excellent map! More Winter Payload Race maps are welcome.

I did want to point out one issue that my server had while playtesting the map. This area near spawn allows you to get stuck on the ceiling quite easily, and they mentioned it was replicatable. Very similar to some of the issues Upward currently has where you can get stuck on certain areas. I'll ask the players for more information and pass it along if you need any details! Keep up the great work!

Thanks for the feedback! I'll be sure to fix this for the next version.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
puxorb updated Cutter with a new update entry:


Updated to Version Beta 4
-Revamped the spawn rooms and areas outside them
-Added a balcony and 3rd spawn exit
-Detailed the spawn rooms
-Added a second floor battlements at last for attackers
-Made small roof at last point accessible
-Small detail adjustments
-Small pickup adjustments
-Lightmap optimization

Read the rest of this update entry...


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
puxorb updated Cutter with a new update entry:

Updated to Version Beta 4

Optimization update!
-added areaportalwindows to spawn
-added more hint/skip
-added more prop fades

New Detailing:
-New and improved gate that more accurate fits the theme
-More prop detailing in spawn rooms and elsewhere

Custom map-focused assets are on the way! Including:
-custom payload cart with animations
-custom themed detail assets

Read the rest of this update entry...