
PL Corruption RC2

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Feb 8, 2016
Billo submitted a new resource:

Eruption (Testing page) - This is a testing download for a few ideas I had. In the future this will be the halloween version.

In this version:

➤Reworked the entire point A in order to make it more defendable.
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So as to not create any confusion I decided to make a new (testing) page for eruption where I can test a few major Ideas I have for the map. Right now the problem eruption has is mainly A and B. I talked with a few of you about the map and I got some really useful feedback.
So while JeddyK and I are working on...

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Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
We tried this version of the map out in the latest imp and honestly I don't know how but I feel like the map got a lot worse. First was not fun to play as either team at all, 2nd was the same (which has its issues but I'm fine with second as is), and 3rd and last pretty much got rolled when we began to push. Solidly this was a worse experience than the last version of Eruption I played and it makes me really sad.

(I'm sorry if I sound pissed, I just really liked the last version of eruption and it frustrates me to see it go down this much in quality while visually it looks like nothing has changed at all.)


Feb 8, 2016
We tried this version of the map out in the latest imp and honestly I don't know how but I feel like the map got a lot worse. First was not fun to play as either team at all, 2nd was the same (which has its issues but I'm fine with second as is), and 3rd and last pretty much got rolled when we began to push. Solidly this was a worse experience than the last version of Eruption I played and it makes me really sad.

(I'm sorry if I sound pissed, I just really liked the last version of eruption and it frustrates me to see it go down this much in quality while visually it looks like nothing has changed at all.)
Hey Katsu,
First of all thank you for your concerns and for your feedback.
I am sorry to hear eruption played worse and I understand your frustration and worries.
But as you may know I made this (Testing Page) in order to test big changes that may or may not come. That last playtest you played could be just a bad day you know?
We played the same version over to EU and people said they prefered this A, It was a lot more defendable.
We can complain about the changes all we want to be honest but I want your opinion on the matter. What would you like to see different?
How can I improve the map? With this A or without it. Lemme know.


the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
I'm not Katsu, but I wanted to share my opinion:
I think a lot of frustration with this new version of Eruption stems from the fact that A didn't really need changes.
In the past, I've been very satisfied with the defendability of A. It gives me a fair chance to have a forward and backward hold, and although it's sometimes tough to stay alive as a RED player, I find that very fun.

With that in mind, even though the changes you made don't feel like a backwards step to me, they also don't feel like an evolution, or different point. It just feels like there are more rocks now.
If you really want to make A more defendable and make people feel like the changes you're making justify tearing out a point they liked, I recommend going wild. You could do any number of things - I've illustrated a few of them in this diagram, those being:
  • Block off the cart path with a building or rock wall or something that has skybox on it so demos can't spam over it (making RED players much safer)
  • Reroute the cart path to not go through this building (probably a terrible idea)
  • Knock through the nearby rock wall to give RED a place to watch the cave flank
  • Add a ramp up to this newly-created doorway for ease of RED rotation
  • Add health and ammo where the cart path used to be (again, makes RED much safer)

Doing all these things would shoot BLU's rotate times through the roof while keeping RED's about the same and reducing the time RED spends retreating to health and ammo, which would definitely make A more defendable - maybe far too defendable!

Oh, also, you removed the ramp between the extreme high ground and extreme low ground at B. I said I felt dubious about that change, but I never explained why, so here it is: That ramp can sometimes lead to BLU taking over RED's defense unfairly, but that's a rare occurence, and in the rounds where it doesn't happen, that ramp acts as a very valuable flank for BLU when attacking RED's backward hold.


Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated Corruption with a new update entry:


This is the event version of payload Eruption.

pl_corruption is set on an Asylum featuring:
➤A unique (Asylum) theme not seen before in tf2
➤Autogenerated underworld, to keep the map challenging which if completed grants the player crits and ÜberCharge!
➤pumpkin Bombs
And many more..

This project was a collaboration between Pancakebro, MegapiemanPHD, Erk, Rhamkin and myself.
Any piece of feedback is much appreciated!

Read the rest of this update entry...


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2015
Out of map

Can build and trap people here when they teleport out (and all other hanging cages)

Can build in forward spawn in 2 places

Last point respawnroom outside spawn

Also last point can build in spawn

And below
Last edited:


Feb 8, 2016
Thank you so much for pointing those issues out my friend! They will be addressed in b2!


Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated Corruption with a new update entry:

layout and detailing update!

➤Updated points A,B,C,D to include new gameplay and layout improvements in order to match eruption's.
➤Improved the detailing in every area.
➤Fixed numerous issues.
➤Made the map scarier and creepier.

My team (pancakebro, Rhamkin, Erk, Megapieman) and I worked really hard to improve the quality both in visuals and in gameplay. We tried to fix many issues and prepare the map for a potential official release. We hope we did good and that people will enjoy their time in the...

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Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated Corruption with a new update entry:

OverAll Improvements

In this update:
➤Improved the underworld: Now it lasts for less seconds, disables the cart until the portals close allowing Red to use them without leaving the entire point defenceless. The underworld gives Blu a few extra seconds however so as not to feel like the underworld is wasting their time. The buffs got lowered as well.
➤Fixed many issues around the map such as collisions/seams/clipping issues etc.
➤Fixed/changed a few things based on feedback.

Read the rest of this update entry...


L2: Junior Member
Jan 3, 2023
While not the biggest deal, I think you may have forgotten to compile the HDR cubemaps with the newest update.

Photos to prove this:
Shiny weapons

There is also the classic HDR cubemap-less shine on the signs in spawn.
There are more, but I don't want to clog this up too much.

Meanwhile things like these windows have standard reflections (Kind of hard to show in this example so hopefully you can tell.):

If I am wrong on this, sorry in advance.

Other than that, really like how this map turned out with the update. Nice theming and layout overall, really makes you feel like you're a patient in a mental hospital.


Feb 8, 2016
Thank you for your feedback Supreme meme Lord. My team and I will make sure to fix them asap