Community Medieval Update


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
So now that I've seen everything, here's what I think. Not my blog, nor do you care - I know.

Too much text.
The website's layout is meh.

The Pillager's Pass Pack by HellJumper is decent, though I'm not personally a fan of the hatchet and hat.
As great as having a new Sniper throwable would be, what the hell would it be for? Only thing I can think of is something you throw on teammates to heal them.
Other Sniper stuff is crap.

Tabard for the Medic is neat.
Other Medic stuff is crap.

The Gate Crasher Pack is bad. What would a fourth bugle do? Plus the mace is silly.
However the Jouster's Jabber looks neat. A shield instead of a backpack.
Other Soldier stuff is crap.

The Big Boar's Ribs needs a couple more polys and I'll like it.
Other Heavy stuff is crap.

I like the Rapier. If put into the game, it could give another new way to play Spy since it's a longer than a knife.
Other Spy stuff is crap.

I'm a fan of the Firkin Flamer, however how does a flamethrower made out of wood work?
The Wizzard's Headdress is awesome looking.
I also like the Sewed Madman.
The Branding Iron by Matt is decent but it's not a weapon I can see the Pyro using.
Pyro has a shitton of stuff here, and the rest of it is crap.

Engi has one shit hat, three crap wrenches, and a yucky build tool.

I love the Southie Arlecchino and the Prankster Sneakers.
Why does the Scout have less than the Engi? The sword is crap.

I like the O' Kettle
NeoDement's Swashbuckler's Swag is the best thing in this Medieval Update.
Other Demoman stuff is crap.

All-Class hats are meh.

Morrigan Alley! Yay Trey! And yay Props. Props made the medieval update worth my time not reading the TOO MUCH TEXT.
Sep 12, 2008
Morrigan Alley's gameplay is horrible. 18 sec spawntimes for blu? Red spawns behind blu and the cart? No way blu is ever going to win that map.
Sep 1, 2009
I kinda agree with dabp with regards to spawn times on the payload. Me and Rexy died at near EXACTLY the same time and counted down our repawn times Rexy had like 6/8 whereas I on the attacking team had 12/14 and still had a long walk to the cart. However despite the flaws in respawn times and spawn postions, the map has rather nice detailing, and I still love the spiked cabient.

I personally think the idea to take the despensier away from the cart was a horrible desision as makes it even harder for the attacking team to go past the waves of defenders. Aswell as the fact a team of well trained/corrdinated huntsman snipers can pin down people at the first forward spawn, aswell as pick off others fighting below.

In short
-Re-introduce the cart to its friend the despensier [even with a smaller health gain]
-redo spawn times make Red's longer and blue's alot shorter to account for the walk.
-Kill the sniper perch overlooking the first forward spawn.

With all these factors combined we didn't even get past the tower entrance , let alone the first town area. However I managed to lure foolish demomen around the rest of the map to look at the detailing work :3
Sep 1, 2009


L1: Registered
Jan 15, 2011
The map uses default payload respawns instead of the shortened Degroot Keep spawn times. Trey's working on fixing it right now and we'll replace the current version of Morrigan Alley with an updated one tomorrow morning. The update will also address some other bugs including not switching teams after RED wins the round.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
First off, congratulations for getting a place in this community update.

BUT, with all the errors and issues I'm reading about, and from things based off what I've seen when running though the map AND the fact this got a news post on, I would not have considered this good enough quality to release to the public on this scale. I'm sorry, but it was very disappointing, and I hope that you put more time into working on it.

Naturally this is my opinion, so take that how you wish.


L13: Stunning Member
Sep 30, 2009
I must say In my opinion this wasn't ready for the public. They needed to give the Weapons properties/Suggested Properties (such as damage etc) as other wise it's difficult to have an idea about them. The map, whilst being one of the more developed medieval maps how much was it tested before this pack?


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
Why would they give the items weapon properties? People tend to come up with terrible ideas. Plus, these are simply skins. They are not new weapons in the game. Sure, some might become as such, but if that happens, Valve will test them with their own properties. If the guys behind the medieval update came up with stats, there would be more "Wow that weapon sucks it better not get in the game" and other hate towards the thing as a whole as people wouldn't understand that Valve could change it if it was put in the game. And again, why would there be stats for skins?

Don't be silly, Gamemaster.


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
Prop pack! Finally, something worthwhile!
Jan 20, 2010
Man, you guys are terribly harsh. :/ I give them props, a lot of people obviously put a lot of work into this. Whether or not it was "worth it" really doesn't matter.


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
Except that most of it will be unusable outside of medieval maps :[

When all you have is a D20 to escort, everything looks medieval.


L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2011
The spy's revolver doesn't fit the style, thats a pirate pistol

I think you'll find that most flintlock pistols look very much alike. Those used by mounted troops like cuirassiers look the same as those looted by pirates.

Obviously though, they went with a musketeer theme for the spy. And sadly, you can't give the spy a musket.

Personally I would have gone for a different look of flintlock for the spy. Something like this, perhaps: It's a duelling pistol. Looks more impressive to me. Might fit the spy's character to use a weapon for honourable duels to shoot someone in the back.


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
Man, you guys are terribly harsh. :/ I give them props, a lot of people obviously put a lot of work into this. Whether or not it was "worth it" really doesn't matter.

A fair number of the stuff, maybe most or all of it, was stuff released before the Medieval Update. They simply bundled it up and came up with a long-winded story that probably sucked - probably because I didn't read it since it was too long.