-slimmed mid down to make unnoticed flanks a rarer thing
-replaced pile of crates with a less complicated prop for easier jumps on top
-made lower roofs a tiny bit larger for easier jumps on top
-moved the 2 small ammopacks closer to the point
-added a medium healthpack to the lowground under point
-opened up the stairs to lowground to make it easier to see if anyone is under
-simplified mid overall removing props and brush work
-reworked middle enterance from mid house to 2nd to block sightlines more
-nerfed sightlines from the back of 2nd to mid house enterances
-fixed the broken window on the left most enterance to lobby
-fixed spooky shutters
-fixed red 2nd forward spawn points
-added some geometry and props to play around to the far left side of lobby
-added a small ramp to dropdown for easier access
-removed the window viewing dropdown to make dropdown more viable
-added a crate to the rightside for players to hold on top of
-simplified the propjump on the left side a bit
-moved small health pack to the other side to support flank more
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