Comments are below images:
This object gets in the way, I'd rather the choke be redesigned or another place be redesigned to account for sniper. Bandaid fix bad
I'd argue these items clutter the main choke a bit much, Retreating while facing the opponent i can get caught on them.
Aswell, if you want the catwalk (To left of image above) to be accessable i'd just make a ramp and widen the choke. Ultimately this corner feels too cramped and i'd like it to be expanded.
The small player blocker is quite annoying, I'd make it more obvious with a proper building overhead. (Think process choke ect)
Unify windows, Removes clutter and streamlines.
Drastic change to get my thoughts out. Area feels clumsy to navigate. Things to get stuck on, easy to fall onto lowground. "Learn the map" someone might say, i'd rather not if it requires me to get die needlessly so many times being stuck on objects. Culminating in a checklist of every item I need to remember to avoid while shooting someone. Basically simple is a players friend, if they dont realize it you have succeeded.
>Spam over this can still exist. The blocker just makes it more awkward.
>Getting stuck on items like this makes mid combat is annoying, Its intrusive.
Add a 2nd goal, If the first one is hard held allow players to use route to capture.
Remove 1 cap wins, add multiple ways to capture.
Last anal tidbits:
One way windows in combat subtract more than they add,
I feel the mid structure could be shrank a bit, It takes up a lot of space that feels otherwise unneeded. Being in the building is a deathtrap, and the building consumes a lot of space on mid. Therefore I feel the mid is a deathtrap.
Anyways, hope an idea sticks or that this gets some gears turning.
Good luck!