
PL Blastpitt rc3

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
  • Moved B point more to the center of the building it is in.
  • Added some cover to elevated platform on B.
  • Added large ammopack to the platform.
  • Added cubemaps.
  • Added soundscapes.
  • Added observer points.

Known issues for this version:
  • Skybox particle effects are missing.
  • Map uses old, obnoxious version of the heatwarp effect over the cauldron.

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qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
  • Adjusted spawn times for RED for B C and D points.
  • Fixed some clipping issues.
  • Fixed missing and incorrect particles.
  • Locked the wide well door behind C untill B is captured to prevent easy flanking of RED spawn while A is being defended.
  • Removed the locked door at final area.

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qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
  • Extended upper area on last to allow better sentry coverage.
  • Added stairs to the suspended platform on last.
  • Added cover to small shack before C.
  • Added boxes to said shack to allow engineers to easilly climb it.
  • Added sightline blocker at C.
  • Fixed incorrect fades for areaportal windows at B.
  • Increased height of central highground at B.
  • Moved large ammopack below C to corner near small shack.
  • Fixed some other minor issues.

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Oct 6, 2008
I'm liking the looks of this :)
Oct 6, 2008
That image with the conveyor belt hanging in the air by the rope - haven't downloaded the map yet - is it operational?

I was thinking - based on the image - that you could have a conveyor thing happening and drop stuff off of it onto the ground / into a chute.
Perhaps the conveyor belt entity set up or a roto shooter to shoot stuff out.


L1: Registered
Apr 20, 2019
Perhaps a cool detail to include would be that BLU is attempting to smelt Australium? Even just some hastily-tacked-on posters warning factory workers not to mess with it would probably be plenty.


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
  • Adjusted light colors around the map.
  • Replaced the side shack in initial area in front of BLU spawn with a crane.
  • Fixed being able to shoot through wooden barricade on the bridge at C.
  • Added fences to the lower area of C.
  • Somewhat smoothed out displacements around the map.

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Feedback Time:

The maps a good bit of fun but has issues with it's points. B is too easy for Red to hold while Blu tend to roll on through C and D. Here are some suggestions to maybe help with that.

-This upper area on the left really only helps to give red highground over blu and they don't have a good answer for it. I know red can only get their by explosive jumping but that doesn't seem to be enough to stop it from being a very powerful spot. I can't say I've seen Blu really be able to use the ramp to get up there and use it against Red effectively.

-It's too easy for Red to get into that upper window. They use it to attack Blu instead of Blu using it to attack them.

-The gravel pile behind these walls let Red get in some annoying positions where they can shoot Blu without Blu getting much of a chance to see them first. They can just hide up here and backpeddle into full cover when need be while also grabbing the nearby pickups.

-Here's what's the big issue with this area, All 3 exits from this building for Blu lead to the exact same area. It doesn't matter which way you go, you're always going to be in the same spot that's easy for red to cover. Unless Blu blasts through here before Red can set up, they tend to hit a wall.

-I'd suggest having a path from the previous building around to the right of the main door here. Push the cover to block sight from the main door and have a flank that gives Blu some advantage to get around the Red Blockade.

-I think the issue with C is that the point area is too small. There's Nowhere for Red to stand around the point itself and instead they are spread out trying to find a hold. Blu, on the other hand, has much larger areas to group up in leading up to and around the point.

-I like this angled building but no one ever uses it. Maybe have the track go closer to it?

-I think D's issue is that this is really the ONLY spot to set up a defense from. Even at that it's rather open and far away from the resupply cabinet, plus with the ramp in that lit up back room, defenders have to split their efforts to cover it and the main route. I think if you added more cover here and closed up that ramp room it would help make this a stronger hold. Blu still has the farther back staircase to get up there for attacking defenders.

-When I look at this I can't help but think of upward and how much more limited this room is for defenders than on that map. Red spreads out all over this room since there aren't many good defensive spots. I think some kind of left path from the upper spawn balcony while closing off some paths, like that angled roof building on the left could help players group up better and do so in more natural defensive positions instead of being so spread out. Also perhaps the spawn room is too far away from Blu's entrance, but I'm not sure about that.

That's all for now. I hope this feedback helps somehow. Even with it's issues I still have fun when playing Blastpitt and look forward to seeing how it develops in the future.


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
  • Added an extra platform for engies to build around C.
  • Adjusted spawntimes for RED for B C and D points.
  • Redesigned the sightline blocker at C.
  • Fixed incorrect soundscape switch in ore dump area.
  • Removed heatwave effect from the final cauldron.
  • Deleted the fucking dustmotes again.

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Oct 6, 2008