PL batt_grazr


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008










Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
I think the prop just needs to be brought a little further inside.
Apr 13, 2009
I think it could use a few more directions. I mean the main path is obvious enough, but sometimes, whether a flanking route is going to take me back or forward is very unclear until I try it. Repeatedly.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Which flanks specifically? I can think of only one flank which goes back on itself, which would be for BLU through the reasonably rememberable garage room past CP2's rollback ramp.

Pretty much all the flanks helix around the main route akin to badwater and are usually ledges which allow you to bail off onto the main route at frequent intervals allowing you to quickly resolve any wrong turn. But then maybe that's the problem? That players don't learn the side routes because they can bail onto the main path and overlook their misdirection on the flanks?

missing textures in the blu spawn

I'll have to sort that out in the next release, totally overlooked the fact that that was a custom texture. I'm very far into my next release, i'm just fiddling with the wide curve past CP2 and i'll hopefully have a release before the end of the week.
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Apr 13, 2009
I was thinking specifically of that exit on the left (seen from blu perspective), right after cp_1 and before the big choke, when you're stuck there you'd think maybe this is going to help you flank it but it just takes you back to spawn. It doesn't help that in order to actually flank from that spot, you need to backtrack up the hill, I think stairs on the right would help, or at least stuff you can climb as a shortcut to the high flank.
Similarly, after cp_2 and the rollback, there's a double doorway on the left that doesn't lead to anywhere you'd want to go as BLU.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Hm, i might add some stairs in that building then, but there's so little space the difference wont be much more than 1, 2 or 3 seconds, but i guess maybe that'd be enough on top of the visible convinience factor?

As for the second part with the double doors, that part of the map has been a major pain in the arse. I've tried making usable flanks in this area for both BLU on attack and to try and move the one way door for RED to defend CP2 after cp1 falls, similarly to badwater. But either makes for some serious performance impacts or sways the balance too significantly to control.

For a linear map i'm hoping after a couple rounds, that that'll be enough time for people to learn that that 1 flank after CP2 isn't a shortcut for BLU to CP3, but for RED when they're on defence and BLU to bypass defences around CP2 via the tunnel under said building. Classes who like to flank a lot (spy's, pyro's and other support class/weapon loadouts) they tend to figure this out quicker.
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Double post progress madness.





I'm getting some FPS drops (150 with net_graph) around CP3 for RED's perspective because of cliff and tree models being rendered at CP1 that i can't seem to cull. The bounding boxes of the cliff models are so huge, especially when rotated outside of its regular orientation, they seem to render far past corners which they shouldnt. Still trying to figure out a way to areaportal it, hints aren't working despite being aggressive at CP3 and the models are too large to utilise occluders, i'm worried massive occluders would be equally detrimental. Fade distances wont cut it alone as CP3 is equal distance to the far geometry as BLU spawn where the cliff is necassery to be rendered. My concern is my system is above average and so this performance issue might translate worse to other players. Hopefully i can address this by friday so i can release it for a test before making a contest submission version.
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
a8 now out and available to test tonight in the TF2maps gameday.

Changes include:
Significant effort on performance optimisation; prop fade distances and aggressive skybox culling.
Reasonable levels of additional detail.
Some health and ammo modifications for balance.
Slightly increased interior ambience levels (again).
Alignment of old cubemaps to new geometry.
More custom content.

Hopefully all custom content is properly packed this time.

a9 will include soundscapes and at least 1 necassery additional light (not gameplay breaking in a8), which'll probably be my submission candidate for the contest.

Pics later when i can be arsed :p Skyrim awaits!


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
a9 out, though i had hoped to get feedback from tonights gameday to make changes before submission to the contest, i translated the deadline to monday morning instead of in 7 hours so i guess this'll have to do.

Added in a light at an unlit spot by the finalé.
Added soundscapes.
Added 2 observer points besides the cart, at start and final.
Fixed missing texture (nodraw) by finalé.
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I'd like to point out that now the contest is over i'll be attempting to address certain faults in the track layout, though with the amount of effort i put into trying to make the layout work so far... i'm not exactly sure where to start, since i've already done a light artpass on it.
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