AU Gameday - Sunday February 14th


Yet another Techie for the net...
Jun 19, 2015
Where: Official AU Server:
Gameday Host: theatreTECHIE

Event will begin at:
Sunday, February 14th 2016 - 4:00PM AEDT

Click here for other Timezones
Time converter at

Map List: (Closed)
Time Played | Map Name | Author | Download | Thread | Notes
30|plr_hierarch_b1|DrLambda| BSP | 360 |
20|koth_dunett_a4|Lee| BSP | 27238 |
30|cp_priderock_a2|Flower_Shop_Guy| ZIP | 1268 |
20|koth_thirst_a2|Jones| ZIP | 1209 |Layout fb
20|koth_coruba_a3|Lovres| ZIP | 1066 |

Map Pack: Removed

Event Rules and Information (link)

theatreTECHIE Gameday Rules:
  1. I'll keep playing maps past the end of the gameday as long as I feel like playing TF2. If there is another VIP / Admin on then they can take my place as host, if they are available to do so.
  2. At the end of each map I'll explain a 2 minute bonus round for feedback: people with feedback can join spec and use the !gf & !fb commands, and people without feedback can just play for a small while before the map changes.
  3. As the Australian server does not support SourceTV, no demos will be recorded. I will therefore attempt to make sure each map played has decent feedback left using the plugin.
Last edited:
Aug 30, 2015


Yet another Techie for the net...
Jun 19, 2015
Map List: (Closed)
Time Played | Map Name | Author | Download | Thread | Notes
30|plr_hierarch_b1|DrLambda| BSP | 360 |
20|koth_dunett_a4|Lee| BSP | 27238 |
30|cp_priderock_a2|Flower_Shop_Guy| ZIP | 1268 |
20|koth_thirst_a2|Jones| ZIP | 1209 |Layout fb
20|koth_coruba_a3|Lovres| ZIP | 1066 |

Map Pack: Removed

For next time @Flower_Shop_Guy @Jones and @Lovres if you repack your bsp files, you don't need to zip them, and it will also help people save space on their computers.
Also @Jones you only need to include your bsp file in your download, not your vmf or vmx files.
Finally, @Lovres it would be nice if you had your download on this site or on dropbox rather than using an add supported site.
Last edited:


Yet another Techie for the net...
Jun 19, 2015
Feedback Links:
Map Name | Feedback Link
plr_hierarch_b1| Click here
koth_dunett_a4| Click here
cp_priderock_a2| Click here
koth_thirst_a2| Click here
koth_coruba_a3| Click here
ctf_penthouse_a3| Click here
As the server does not record demos I had my computer record what went on in my game. Sadly audio from my game wasn't correctly picked up, but you can still hear what I said. Also I'm sure that you can get at least some feeling of how the game went from my perspective.
The video will be available here, however at the moment it is still processing.


♪ -- ♫ -- ♪
Mar 10, 2015
As the server does not record demos I had my computer record what went on in my game. Sadly audio from my game wasn't correctly picked up, but you can still hear what I said. Also I'm sure that you can get at least some feeling of how the game went from my perspective.
The video will be available here, however at the moment it is still processing.



L69: Teeheehee, Member
Feb 18, 2015
Hey, thanks for the video, that was really helpful.
Would it be possible to include voicechat in the video next time? I always try to get every ounce of feedback out of these tests, and these were the only thing that was missing for me for that.
Good job running the gameday, and thanks for testing my map :)