RD asteroid


Feb 2, 2014
I think it might be cooler if the objective was more of a 'Destroy This' based game. You're target is to destroy a core/cores. But first you have to take down the defenses like shields, generators, lasers, so on and so fourth.
Mar 23, 2010
you realize that all routes go through A right, turbo? It should be easy to meet the flag carrier there and stop him. B is pretty open as well, but its risky to try to stop him there because he could have taken the upper route.

The tele is really screwing up the flow for me. It puts you in such an awkward position. The tele basically commits you to "im being offensive and going to destroy the robots!" as it always commits you to going into middle and not your base. Shadowslaher (i think) in chat said something about this helping the flow a lot but I disagree, it's so awkward.

a lot of the ideas in this map feel similar to stuff i had in csf, just its all put together, i really want this map to succeed.


Feb 2, 2014
The tele is really screwing up the flow for me. It puts you in such an awkward position. The tele basically commits you to "im being offensive and going to destroy the robots!" as it always commits you to going into middle and not your base. Shadowslaher (i think) in chat said something about this helping the flow a lot but I disagree, it's so awkward.

I said nothing about the flow. I said I like the idea of the tele. But nothing about the flow.
Mar 23, 2010
something about how it lets a defending team get out and go on offense which actually makes sense now that i think about it. with how A and mid are setup, it might turn into only one team getting points at one time which is kind of lame.

Turbo Lover

Fight me under Glasgow Central Station
Feb 15, 2011
you realize that all routes go through A right, turbo? It should be easy to meet the flag carrier there and stop him. B is pretty open as well, but its risky to try to stop him there because he could have taken the upper route.

When I was making a getaway with their core and encountered opposition, I just went up the stairs at A and took the path leading to their battlements. If I took the upper route around B, I'd get there even quicker and not even see anyone that was waiting for me at A - out of range of any sentries in that room, too.
Mar 23, 2010
i just had the chance to stop someone at A but got sandwiched by attackers (and the pyro airblasted my stickies) because i am the only one defending because the entire team takes the teleporter, suicides, gets instaspawn and does it again. what fucking stupid mechanics. valve ruined csf.
Mar 23, 2010
if valve wants offense this good, it means robots are meant to get destroyed. it definitely it feels like nothing really happens until the intel comes into play so why defend the robots? its not an objective, its a chore. there is no dynamic between doing defense/offense at the same time, always rush the enemy side.


L2: Junior Member
Sep 24, 2012
I agree with it being "maze like" a lot of it is really unintuitive, I kept going to the underground bit when I entered the base.

Although I think the gamemode isn't great the assets it brings with it are amazing. I haven't seen objectives moving on their own since ctf_atrophy and ctf_system. I think they should make 2 different gamemodes rather than smooshing them together

1. CTF varient
- Both teams start with equal no. of cores
- Win by either stealing enough cores or having the most when a timer runs out
- Flag cap outside spawn like 5CP last. Do you run past to snatch 5 cores or risk staying for more?
- lots of core/flags laying about, easier to cap

2. Robot Destruction
- All can be destroyed but different difficulties to destroy e.g A has 500hp, B 600hp, C has 700hp
- All tracks connected in a simple non maze like network which robots explore (done with toggling paths and filters?) e.g. A is most adventurous, C stays closer to spawn for longer
- They act as dispensers as incentive to be near them e.g. A level 1, B level 2, C level 3
- Have them at least try to run away, maybe return to base?
- Once a robot is destroyed it respawns back at base with an uber cool down (like MVM)
- I do like the idea of something destructible instead of a flag at the end, maybe breakable glass tubes with single power cores spread about the base?


P.S. Really good job on the robot design, I love them


Jun 23, 2010
They should do a crossbreed between TC and RD imo, also I don't like the fact of splitting a team to defend and attack at the same time, it doesn't work for ctf, it won't work on this either.

Overall the map is too big, the laser thing doesn't work, it's fun but idk ...


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
So after a few more days, and playing this map a lot, I have shifted my outlook on it from positive to negative. If you're reading this valve, take notes.

1: The teleporter needs to go. It breaks up the team way too much, and people naturally go towards it since they get in their minds "Well, an engineer built this so it must lead to the frontlines." What every match turns into is people crowding over the teleporter and refusing to take any other exits, which in turn leads to 100% offense no defense.

2: The underground route is way too long. It takes nearly half a minute as heavy just to get from one side to the other. Do you have any idea how long this is? Its absurd in a fast-paced shooter.

3: The intel needs to go. There are many problems with this and I see it in every single match I played, no exceptions.
a) It is too easy to capture since there is never a single person ever defending.
b) If there IS someone defending then it becomes impossible to capture.
c) It completely ruins the fun of destroying the robots which now seem like a chore, as prestige said best.
d) When someone has the intel, it is impossible to stop them. Not once was I ever able to find the person stealing my intel. There either needs to be a HUD element for it or the map needs to be reworked so that they only have one natural way to escape (preferably in front of the enemy spawn) The map is too big and needs to be shrunk down if you want the intel idea to work, and IMHO, it just doesn't.

4: The different waves of robots really don't make much sense. Instead of needing to progress further into the base, it should be designed so that the first wave is easiest to kill but gives you a low amount of energy cores, but later waves like B and C should be way easier to defend but give the attackers an absurd amount of cores. I'm talking like 50 cores per robot at wave C. As it stands now, it is very hard to defend B and C, but A is way too easy to defend. So what this map turns into is a fight to get maybe 5-10 cores while pushing defenders back to B and C each run and then retreat all the way back until they reset. Each match I played took about 20 minutes to complete because we only ever got 10 cores at a time.

5: Signs. You need lots of them. Even after playing the map for over 3 hours I still got lost in some areas, the most notable one being the last turn before going out into the neutral ground. 90% of the time I would turn left instead of right because the hallway opens wider into the underground passage than it does to the battlements.
Mar 23, 2010
im probably biased but if it was basically csf but with robots and no flag stealing mechanic, i think it would be good. stealing points is just so high reward and high risk, it feels unstable. then, again stealing points is 10x easier with the stupid teleporter.

Turbo Lover

Fight me under Glasgow Central Station
Feb 15, 2011
Killing robots is such a drag. Their hitbox is weird - especially with melee weapons - they spin in circles if you damage them which makes it hard to hit them, stickies bounce off of the robots and the path markers in the ground and you need six bloody stickies to kill one - even the smallest robots.

Stealing the enemy's core is much more fun, the whole vault area of the base is fun to play in with the different routes in and out of the place, it'd be perfect if there weren't those weird doors in the upper area of B that are closed until you bore yourself to death killing some of the robots.


Aug 14, 2009
I finally got a chance to play this some last night on a Valve server.

Even having read the feedback here in advance and thinking I knew what to expect, I was disappointed.

As said already many times, the map really is too large; on a full server of 24 players I was almost always either seeing very few enemies, or very few teammates. It was rare to non-existant to actually have evenly matched skirmishes in any part of the map.

The teleporter seems mostly useless for anyone who isn't a sniper or sniper-wannabe, but its central location in spawn encourages too many people to use it.

There were several side passages that you'd enter thinking they'd go one place, but they'd end up twisting back around on themselves and dumping you out behind where you started.


That said, I really liked the layout and dynamic of the area around Bots B. The ledges, stairs/ramps, water was a lot of fun to play in (was scout, soldier, pyro, demoknight at several points). There's an interesting vertical dynamic in this zone that was fun for jumpers, and even as a pyro I was able to make good use of the water area as an escape route.

In fact, the rest of the map was so annoying to play on, that I just focused on staying around this area because it was fun.

At one point, I'd gone the low route under the bridge, but round after round, this area (and the bridge) were pretty much shut down by minisentries (enemy team kept 2-3 engies in this area always after the first round). If it were a shorter distance to go, and had some cover from the area above, it seems like it could be a fun area as well. I liked the stair room at the end of the cave, the part that leads up to Bots A of the enemy base, but I was usually so badly hurt by the time I reached this area that I never could stay very long.
Last edited:


Sep 11, 2013
No part of this map or game mode is good

Prestige is right that it would be better as CSF with robots. Basically cutting the intel entirely would probably be best. In fact all his posts are correct

The entire area around the intel is way too complicated, the water route is cool but so weird and circuitous, the bases themselves are labyrinthine, the doors are confusing, the robots are annoying to shoot at, the teleporter is a really bad idea, etc etc etc

I agree with whoever said that if this was posted on TF2M I would tell the author they were making a huge mistake. It feels like they are trying to do way too much for one map

If I was making this map, you'd win when the 3rd tier of bots is destroyed, there'd be no weird credits or point stealing, and the map would be much smaller. It'd basically be CSF with no capping mechanic I guess, kind of like a 5CP but with robot killing instead of capping, and also since the bots dont respawn I guess it'd be like no points ever change hands. That might lead to bad play actually

Anyway the map sucks and the game mode is poorly thought out and I hope it gets better

thank you


Dec 5, 2007
The teleporter seems mostly useless for anyone who isn't a sniper or sniper-wannabe, but its central location in spawn encourages too many people to use it.

False. it is excellent for parachute-soldier. You can get riiiight over to the enemy side with just one RJ in safety and then harass A or bypass it entirely and go straight to B.


Sep 23, 2011
A problem with the connection between the room with the A group and the central bridge is the unnatural turn. It is uninutive to take a left turn when entering, the visuals somehow make you ignore that path.


L1: Registered
Jun 20, 2014
Because the easy access door is one way, and the only other ways out are lasers or through the vents that require you to crouch and walk past an enemy spawn door. Anyway, lasers totally fit TF2, we have gigantic death rays in a bunch of maps, these lasers are just compact versions for security or something. Security in a space station I might add.

I wasn't talking about theme. Like I said in my post, who stands still in tf2 and waits to do a timing puzzle? In all my asteroid gameplay the only people I saw going though the lasers were bonk scouts. It's extremely gimmicky to say the least.