Art Pass Club 2: Resurrections


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 7, 2022

Long ago in the ancient times of TF2Maps history (2023) there was one thread that stood out to countless users as a beacon of inspiring creativity,

The Art Pass Club thread!

In times since it has long faded into obscurity with updates out of sight for quite a time being, only refreshed every now and then by a dedicated fanbase. When all seemed lost, a new blessing was rained down upon those who needed it. The original creator bestowed his consent for a new mapper to take the helm and lead a new artpassing revolution!
From this new maps could be made and mappers to experiment once more!

This new thread would be called:


And after a couple months of procrastination the final product would be ready to delivered, on a bi-weekly basis
This, this is Art Pass Club 2!



This is Art Pass Club 2, hosted by Seacat08
This is a thread where I'll post vmf files on bi-weekly basis, every Saturday. These posts will contain a very basic blockout vmf that you can use as the starting grounds to make your masterpiece! If you feel it is best as well then you can recycle any geo or detailing you have made from this as you see fit!

This is a very open thread where you should just feel comfortable making and uploading what you have created. There are no prizes, although if things go well then in around December month or so we may have a for fun awards ceremony to celebrate all of the creations made in this first season and honor those whose work knocks the socks right off of us. No prizes, just awarding titles to maps we like!

Anybody is free to throw their hat in the ring and make something they find is cool. Doesn't need to match TF2's artstyle perfectly, nor does it need to be the absolute best. Just do what you feel you can do best and what you want to do. Additionally feel free to submit your own blockout vmf files to be considered for future weeks to come. Although if you do so please ensure that one, there is no more than a basic blockout with only dev textures and few props except those which may be important for the design of a space. Two, all geometry is kept to a consistent 16 Hu grid size and is on grid. Three, you are fine with it either not getting used or being changed from your original submission to fit the thread best (nothing personal, just done to ensure quality or we can't fit it in right away and it may turn up in a later season). And four, there are no inappropriate brush constructions... you know what I'm getting at...


You are not required to do exactly the most recent week and can rather pick and choose from which week you see fit.
You are required though to post both your vmf files and bsp files if possible and use a screenshot from the default spectator camera found in the map.
It's not required you keep it in the same spot, but is wise if you do so as it'll make comparison screenshots easier.

Additionally it is best too if you take what you've made and also upload it in our folder in @Another Bad Pun 's VMF Pile Google Drive folder
There is a read me in there and the main gist of it is that you post the same contents there but limiting your screenshots to one, using the default spectator camera and keep the name of the screenshot the same as the map. Additionally it may be wise to create your own subfolder in the APC2 (Season #) submissions folder, but that is not a requirement.

Naming your file​

Vmf files should use an "apc2" prefix to denote them as part of the Art Pass Club 2 thread (APC2)
Additionally you must set the vmf name to the season and week number and you must also include your name at the end

"apc2_s1w1_(prompt name)_(Your name here)"


And with that you should understand the whole gist of this thread now. I want to once again thank @Paper Shadow for allowing me to do this and I can't wait to see what all of you mappers get up to! Make sure to share this around to your friends and get mapping :D

Happy mapping,


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 7, 2022

Season 1 Week 1​

Prompt: Abandoned
Difficulty (1/5): **

Let's start this off funky, here we have an odd arrangement of brushes with straightforward rooms mixed with random shapes for you to interpret in your own way. It isn't mandatory to use them, but doing so gets brownie points with me :)
The prompt is "abandoned" so this is a chance to try and take a theme you like and DESTROY IT!!!

Can't wait to see what yall do!
(Remember, there is no prizes. Feel free to do however much you want to do/can, just have fun!)

Week folder




  • apc2_s1w1_abandoned_template.vmf
    200.1 KB · Views: 22
Oct 15, 2017
Always wanted to submit the few things I did for the original art-pass club, but I never did finish any haha. Redeeming myself this time around. I'll be the first to hop on as this was a great excuse for me to not work on the plr a2 I've been dwindling away at in the background.

Here's my week 1 entry, an "abandoned" (in quotations) truck garage right off-of a British motorway. (The London pack feels like cheating for me to do now haha). Went all in and got a custom soundscript & 3dsky working. I can rest now. (First screenshot is the spectator cam view, I hope the rest isn't too many)

Screenshot (32).png

Screenshot (20).png

Screenshot (25).png

Screenshot (30).png
Screenshot (22).png


  • apc2_s1w1_abandoned_aspennly.vmf
    4.2 MB · Views: 16
  • apc2_s1w1_abandoned_aspennly.bsp
    18 MB · Views: 14


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 7, 2022
Always wanted to submit the few things I did for the original art-pass club, but I never did finish any haha. Redeeming myself this time around. I'll be the first to hop on as this was a great excuse for me to not work on the plr a2 I've been dwindling away at in the background.

Here's my week 1 entry, an "abandoned" (in quotations) truck garage right off-of a British motorway. (The London pack feels like cheating for me to do now haha). Went all in and got a custom soundscript & 3dsky working. I can rest now. (First screenshot is the spectator cam view, I hope the rest isn't too many)

Screenshot (32).png

Screenshot (20).png

Screenshot (25).png

Screenshot (30).png
Screenshot (22).png
Oh my this looks amazing! I really love how you adapted the geo and really turned it into a super believable atmosphere. Great job! Glad this was the first entry haha

And as for the number of screenshots, this is fine :D

Bestest bread is lost-ish

L2: Junior Member
Aug 4, 2023
I don't know if I'm late to the party buy I thought i'd give it a try.

Decided I'd base it off of those old farms in the middle of nowhere that developers will by up and then do nothing with, letting it fall into a state of disrepair. Tried to capture that sort of family road trip nostalgia with a tf2 twist.







I'll let yall be the judge of how good it turned out.


  • apc2_s1w1_abandoned_submission.bsp
    2.5 MB · Views: 5


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 7, 2022
I don't know if I'm late to the party buy I thought i'd give it a try.

Decided I'd base it off of those old farms in the middle of nowhere that developers will by up and then do nothing with, letting it fall into a state of disrepair. Tried to capture that sort of family road trip nostalgia with a tf2 twist.







I'll let yall be the judge of how good it turned out.
Sick interior! Really sells the area, nice job!