The competition is a competitive map competition. It is designed to produce competitive maps and in the process an equal playing field for all the mappers. Otherwise the owner of junction could enter his map in. Ect.
Also, ACF hunts around the internet hunting for various maps which some even make there way into the CFL for testing but what we've found is that most have been more suited for public 12vs12 style play (larger maps) there is nothing wrong with them its just not suited for 6vs6 environment. So, we'd rather people make maps with the aid of competitive players giving feedback on the map so the result is more successful. For example the ETF2L mapping competition had a few good maps come out. One even made it into a valve update (yukon)
PS: I'm personally looking forward to playing some of the maps and testing them out. Would be really pumped if we could get something that could compare up to gravelpit or dustbowl or even trump them both
. Also we offer the usual pugs on your maps, possible scrims, feedback , stvs to watch your map (incase different timezone) ect. ect.