
  1. LtNightly

    Chess v1

    This picture is a game of chest with an halloween vibe kinda mood. If you would like to download the dmx files for yourself(or to check when i did this. And i did it today) Link is below To install: Download the zip file -> go to...
  2. JLaum3

    [SFM] I AM A GOD! 2020-09-05

    engi thinks he's a god now. well, i have some bad news for him... steam link is:
  3. BigBthefluffyredneck

    My 2020 72 Hour Summer Jam Entry 2020-09-05

    A description eh? Well you can watch the video, but the summary is, If you use the Tomislav, I hate you... Video Link in case 'Download Type' doesn't work: View:
  4. sniperstyx

    Got a problem with clone-dragging entities...

    So basically i wanna copy and paste an entire spawn and change it to the other team on the other side of the map to save time, but the entities that i click and try to modify reset themselves to func_detail. Even if i try to see the properties of the entities i am trying to copy and paste either...
  5. RatsInYourWalls

    My map is apparently empty, even though the file size is 4879 kB

    So when I open my map in hammer, the entire map is empty, the file size hasn’t changed, the other maps seem to load just fine. I am really confused and worried right now. The VisGroups tab is also empty for some reason. I also can’t unhide objects. But I can add new entities and brushes
  6. NachoBIT


    So, this is my first TF2 map! So, a lot of people said that i should start by grabbing a map and add fix the parts that you don't like a lot. So that's what i did! I looked at servers that only have what's called "Orange Maps" that are just maps with dev textures and they only focus on...
  7. ics

    Erebus 2023-05-06

    Recently I spend a year to create a map Ambush. I figured why stop there. So I spent additional 2,5 months doing Erebus, a haunted version of Ambush for Halloween 2020. Still WIP so please leave your input. You can also test this on a live server by connecting to through...
  8. Communism

    Steam must be running to connect to multiplayer servers.

    So I have managed to get myself ahold of an old windows xp/vista build of steam, for my vista laptop (yes vista still, shut up) and uo until recently, TF2 was running well on it, slow, but running well. But one day I wanted to go and try playing ctf_turbine because I have heard it runs well on...
  9. V

    Jump Jetpack 3 2020-06-01

    I've made three jump maps for pyro. This one, is the last one I do, I hope you have fun. Place the "jump_map" folder in tf/custom /<here> <here>
  10. RmxMi

    WIP_a1 2020-06-01

    This map's in its EARLY stages only one team has a spawn and the blue cart is what the red team must damage it's a damageable prop and you can damage it as a blue don't really know how to fix that but the red team will have a red cart blu will have to kill and when you kill a team's cart the...
  11. Legendoniance

    tfdb_pacmen a4

    My first completed map! Pacman! In Dodgeball! Or rather...2 Pacmen, facing each other, with players in their mouths! Enjoy :) Feel free to request for more features or things in the map, and I'll do my best to fulfill them! Contact me on Steam at id/bunnydemopan
  12. Nuclear Era

    How to extract textures and models from custom maps?

    Hello there, I'm new to the forums and new to the map making scene! I was curious on how to potentially extract textures from a model within a custom map (ex. dr_playstation's bud card textures) and even incorporate those custom models (ex. the PS1 model) into my own map? I've been having...
  13. LucaMicino

    [SOLVED] Looking for someone to help improve a map I use for my TF2 server

    Henlo, As the title of the thread states, I'm looking for an advanced mapper who has some time on their hands to help me out. I, along with a friend, was working on a trade map that I'm using for my TF2 server and we've done what we could with it but there are still plenty of issues that I'd...
  14. Charlie 5 Lives

    Rust 2020-04-29

    This map is the result of a year and a half of work. There was no focus on it being competitively viable, just a map I wanted people to have fun with. For those who wonder from the tag line, the map is based on Counter-Strike's Dust. No, not Dust2. Dust. I posted the original beta about a year...
  15. Dayornight

    [VSH] Grid Walls Reworked V1.02

    Reworked this map in a couple of hours, thought it could use it. Improved features have been posted below! + Color coded design with arrows, allowing for easier navigation + Improved textures + Smoother door transitions + Extra props and decals + Extra health and ammo kits + Optimizations...
  16. Legendoniance

    [SOLVED] Client/server crashes on map load :(

    Hello! Thank you for your help, anyone who might be able to answer this <3 I recently started mapping and had a little issue resolved yesterday. Now that that's resolved, another's popped up. The issue with the map is simply that it crashes client and server, and doesn't leave anything in the...
  17. kappintoad

    How do I preview my custom unusual particle in-game?

    Hello, I apologize if there is a thread that had this problem answered already, and that I just made this account some five minutes ago after making this thread, but I'm stumped. I have made a test particle in TF2's particle editor, and would like to see how it looks in-game on a cosmetic...
  18. JezzaR the Proto

    Pain V420.69

    ctf_pain is a map created to make people enjoy what tf2 has to offer. Nah lmao this is the worst map ever don't play it.
  19. GameSpy

    Hammer Editor NOT WORKING :(

    nothing happens at all when the hammer is launched, unless it appears for 2 seconds in the Task Manager process, please help VIDEO: View:
  20. dasmxd_

    Mayan - Aztec Assets

    Hello everyone! Does anyone still have the 'TF2 Mayan' assets? The original downloadlink here is down and maps, including the files are not able to properly decompile with embedded files. I need the models and materials to recompile or create maps in HDR for SFM...