
  1. Silicon_E

    Would a Map Analytics Tool be Useful?

    I'm trying to figure out if this is a good idea: A program that shows where things are happening on a map (eg. kills, sticky traps, übers). It would also highlight sniper sightlines and potential perchpoints, among other useful things. You could filter info by class, time, payload progress...
  2. D3C0D3R16

    map loading seems to be broken

    everytime i load up my map for testing it always says that my game is out of date. even though on steam it is already updated. no items are even in my inventory. Not even stock weapons. also the spy t-poses
  3. H20Gamez

    Redwood B25

    Koth Redwood is my first take on a default gamemode. Detailing is still in progress but the layout will stay around the same. We are currently testing the map on and off with a handfull of NC/AM Players for 6s. The map hasnt been tested for HL yet.
  4. FishyUberMuffin

    Test Mapping

    There is a problem with the test mapping over on the sever were a non good player can not try test his own map with other players I was on my old map today and I went spectator but I told I could not. I wanted to make sure that I was on the winning team so that nobody will laugh at me loseing...
  5. Drunken-Demo

    I am willing to help test any and all maps for the jam (if I'm not busy ofc)

    Tittle, she says all.
  6. HashtagMC

    How do I test a map ingame without being given achievements?

    Hi everyone! Alright, here's the problem: I've been working on a map lately, and I've used the startup option -console to have TF2 started with the dev console open in main menu, using it to load my map via map <mapname>. Then, I've proceeded to run some tests with bots – like, are the darker...
  7. P

    Does anyone know if there will be a gameday this week?

    Seriously, I've been refreshing the server events page all day waiting for it to be announced.
  8. Twist.vmf

    apologies from TwistMapper.exe (the power crash)

    in a recent test on my map (koth_power_feud) caused a server crash. this is because of an entity on the map that i probably shud have warned the testers of, this entity was a cluster of explosives on each side. if the explosives are shot at least 4 times they will blowup! but if they blowup...
  9. Twist.vmf

    how to know when a test will happen on your map

    i know about demos but i would like to be on the map myself to truly get what needs to be changed! so is there a way i can know when my map will be tested? p.s. go see my new map!https://tf2maps.net/downloads/power-feud.2616/