
  1. Jack5

    TFKart SMK Mario Circuit 4 v3

    Preface This map was originally a submission of mine on GameBanana since February the 22nd, 2018 and has last been updated on March the 15th, 2018 according to that site. This map has in its entirety been reposted to TF2Maps.net, and GameBanana will continue to be the prime source of downloads...
  2. Suna

    Koth_Shipment_Event RC1

    Halloween came early this year!...wait, late? Whatever. Spooky map time! (made for the Nightmare before Smissmas 2017 community showcase) More or less meant as mapping practice, but i'm happy with how it's turned out so far. Halloween came early this year!...wait, late? Whatever. Spooky map...
  3. vulduv

    koth brain mill A4

    this is a halloween map. it takes place on a farm. but instead of grain. its BRAIN! and theirs a wheel, of, FATE! or DOOM! ? idk. *vulduv hit itself in its confusion*
  4. FishyUberMuffin

    Pumpkin Bombs and Spells

    How do i add Pumpkin Bombs to my event map? Also how do i add spells?
  5. ethosaur

    koth_deathcliff_event 2016-10-01

    Made for 2016's community halloween event. Enjoy! This is a halloween reskin of koth_snowcliff Includes: Pumpkins bombs, wheel of doom and my own variant of the long-fall pit. (Also timed spellbook spawns) Original map: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=603367237...