
  1. asylum

    Pipeball Odyssey (TF2C) B1b

    You've played Classic Pipeball. You've played Medieval Pipeball. Hell, you've even played Pipeball in space. Sort of. But now get ready to play Pipeball in a format you never could have imagined. It's big. It's bad. It's the most ambitious Pipeball map ever built. You've been kept on edge for a...
  2. asylum

    Pipeball Odyssey B1a

    You've played Classic Pipeball. You've played Medieval Pipeball. Hell, you've even played Pipeball in space. Sort of. But now get ready to play Pipeball in a format you never could have imagined. It's big. It's bad. It's the most ambitious Pipeball map ever built. You've been kept on edge for a...
  3. asylum

    4-Team Pipeball Classic Quad A3

    NEW AND EXCITING! It's Pipeball Classic Quad! It's the frenzy and chaos of Pipeball Classic that you know and love... only now it's with 4 teams! Battle to sink the balls in another team's goal pipe, but don't let them get any in yours! Each team starts with 3 points, losing a point every time...
  4. asylum

    PBO 2 12B A4

    NEW AND EXCITING! It's PBO 2 12B! Have you guessed what PBO actually is yet? Well, whatever you think it is, you're probably wrong. In the meantime, enjoy this little snippet of the most ambitious pipeball map ever (so far!).
  5. asylum

    PBO 5 2425A A7

    NEW AND EXCITING! It's PBO 5 2425A! The fifth and final stage (well, one of the possible final stages) of the mystery that is PBO. There's antigravity elevators! There's spinning goal shields! There's lounge seating! And it's all available for YOU to enjoy RIGHT NOW! You know what to do! Hit...
  6. asylum

    Pipeball Ultra (Sudden Death) Final

    NEW AND EXCITING! It's ARENA PIPEBALL ULTRA! Like the Sudden Death tiebreaker of Pipeball Ultra? Don't like having to go though all that faff and nonsense of the "real" game before it? Then this is the map for you! It's Pipeball Ultra's Sudden Death tiebreaker rink, ripped whole cloth out of...
  7. asylum

    PBO 4 2149A a5

    NEW AND EXCITING! It's PBO 4_2149a_a1! Yet more of the enigmatic "PBO" project is upon the masses. A mix of claustrophobic and spacious, you may not see this as often as you would 3_1974a once PBO is fully assembled, but the final, fully decorated 4_2149a will be a jaw-dropping highlight.
  8. asylum

    PBO 3 1974A a6

    NEW AND EXCITING! It's PBO 3 1974A A1! ...yeah so 1 3341B was kinda meh. But hey, everyone has their off day. This one though, hot damn, I know you'll love. 3 1974A is another experimental Pipeball map that just might make it into whatever the hell "PBO" is. betcha youd really like to know...
  9. asylum

    PBO 1 3341b A6

    NEW AND EXCITING! It's pbo_1_3341b_a1! What in the cherry night in the workhouse fuck is PBO? Or 1_3341b? Which are both very good, if bizarrely phrased, questions. Well, it's Pipeball, but different. It's, shall we say, the first stage of an experiment. The final product will definitely not...
  10. Saxt0n Hale

    (Pipeball) Pinball Madness B4B

    Welcome to Pinball Madness. Instead of you playing the pinball machine, YOU are the pinball machine. -------------------------------- Made by Uncle Larry/ Saxt0n Hale (me) @SnickerPuffs (Pipeball Map Creator) -------------------------------- Description...
  11. SnickerPuffs

    Linedrive rc2a

    Non-72hr version of Pipeball Tunnels. The map's geometry has been recreated from scratch, with it's detailing almost completely stripped away, so I can focus on making the map play as best as it can. Custom Content Pipeball Ball Models, by R0nii Special Thanks Katsu, for the map name The...
  12. SnickerPuffs

    72hr Jam 2023 Tunnels a3

    THERE'S NO TIME TO PUT A PROPER DESCRIPTION HERE! Sightlines might be a liiiiiiitle much, and the black ball is currently way too jumpy, so expect an A2 build (or at least an a1a) before the end of the Jam Train Bumper by Bakstratch Dusk 'till Dawn Skybox Collection, by Void Snicker's...
  13. asylum

    Pipeball Final

    !! VERY IMPORTANT !! sv_point_servercommand needs to be set to "always" or the map won't work! SO DONT FORGET !! NOT NEW AND HARDLY EXCITING! It's Pipeball! No, not Pipeball Classic. It's Pipeball. The Pipeball. That's right, ripped out of a page of ancient history (like, 2008), it's one of...
  14. asylum

    Pipeball (Event) RC2 (the real one)

    NOT SO NEW BUT STILL EXCITING! It's Pipeball Event! Deep within Morty's Discount Cemetary (so cheap they can't afford spellcheck), the RED and BLU teams compete to hit the lethal Black Ball into the other team's open graves. First team to reach three goals wins the map! But! Spirits roam...
  15. asylum

    Pipe Balle RC4

    Ho! NEW AND EXCITING! Tis a new build of Pipe Balle, RC2! One morn I awoke from my royal slumber to roars and cheers t'were they as thunder To my window I took and saw quite a scene; Strange men in my court in garb most obscene Half them robed red, the other half blue, fighting and killing...
  16. Stack Man

    Pipeball Radar a1

    My take on a pipeball map. Requires "sv_allow_point_servercommand always" before the map is loaded. If it wasn't, then set "phys_pushscale 10" and "mp_stalemate_enable 0". Yes, 0. Tied rounds on this map go into overtime. The next team to score wins.
  17. asylum

    Pipeball Classic final1

    NOT NEW BUT STILL EXCITING! It's Pipeball Classic! The updated remake of my earlier Pipeball map, now with 100% less suck! RED and BLU compete to shoot a ball into the other team's goal pipes, the first to three goals wins. But beware! On a 2-2 tie, the BLACK BALL will be released, a deadly...
  18. asylum

    Asylum Megamix 2022-04-01

    IMPORTANT! PLEASE ENSURE YOU HAVE SERVERCOMMANDS ENABLED!! It's been a long road. Let's experience a blast from the past in a whirlwind medley of Asylum's greatest hits (and misses!) Featuring: Private Idle Checkpoint Pipeball Classic DM Melee Fort And a little taste of a long-awaited map...
  19. SnickerPuffs

    Canyon b1c

    Make sure you set 'sv_allow_point_servercommand' to 'always' so the pipeballs are easier to push! Custom Content and Special Thanks - @FGD5, for the More Barrel Crates - @Rexy, for the Tom Cruise Cutout - @The Asylum, for creating the original Pipeball maps and logic help - @Box Of Paper, for...
  20. SnickerPuffs

    Pipeball Prefab v4

    Pipeball is a custom gamemode created by @The Asylum back in 2010. Around June of last year, I got the idea to make my own map using this custom gamemode, so I reached out to the creator. Against all odds, he responded and provided a copy of the original VMF! Nearly one year later, and while I...