pass time

  1. Katsu! :3

    TF2m P4SS Map Chat

    Heyo. I wanted to make this thread for me and the P4SS Time fellas to talk about getting some more 4v4 PASS Time gaming going, as it's a lotta fun and I'd like to keep hanging with em. Oh, and of course the great clips we get from time to time lol. Current map pool: pass_stadium_rc2...
  2. kingfin

    pass_ore a5

    Custom assets: Autumnal Pack - Berry, Crowbar, Lacry BulletCrops Pack - 3Dnj Passtime Goal Props - exer Frontline Project Coal mine themed map for 4v4 Passtime. 4v4 Passtime Discord:
  3. Shears

    pass_tanoa a2

    Pass_tanoa is a more "conventional" 4v4 passtime map, with a standard ball spawner setup. While drawing clear inspiration from arena2 (more so than plexiglass), I've put my own spin and ideas into this cathedral of weathered brutalist architecture. Sightlines are long but not omnipresent and...
  4. Yo Yo Bobby Joe

    Aquarium a16

    This is the first map I've started from scratch and continued until at least one release. I've started a map before but that was before I had nearly as much experience in PASS Time or Hammer, so it never saw the light of day. I'm very excited to be working on my first solo map! This is a massive...
  5. Yo Yo Bobby Joe

    Skyline b8

    This is the second of three maps I inherited from the illustrious Kibble Hartwell Bites estate. This first version that I worked on, b5, was once again just to get the map in working order. Getting brushes aligned, skybox centered, I/Os fixed, the usual stuff. I don't think I wrote down all of...
  6. August101

    pass_poolparty (to be renamed) a1a

    Mann Co. has just established a lunar resort getaway for their higher ups, and want you to test the effects of lunar rock poisoning on the water. A unusual map inspired by the Half life DM map poolparty (but instead of xen, it's in space, but space is tf2's xen in terms of theming so whatever)...
  7. JaguarFiend

    pass_arena2 b11

    This is a PASS Time map designed to be played with a certain gamemode; 4v4 PASS Time. 4 players per team with specific class limits and item restrictions. The rules are described in greater detail on the website linked below. It is fast-paced, action-packed, and geared towards competitive...
  8. Yo Yo Bobby Joe

    Park b27

    Park is a map originally created by the illustrious Kibble Bites. After his unfortunate retirement, the Kibble Hartwell Bites Conservancy was entrusted with his PASS Time maps. I have since taken over the work on PASS Park.
  9. August101

    Snowsteel vscript test edition a6c - Update: 23w44a

    Welcome to a modified version of my TFConnect pass time map now with a new vscript flavor. Here I removed every hitscan weapon (besides sentries) and replace the mercs arsenal with something based around projectiles and knockback, and made it so that mercs take significantly less ranged damage...
  10. Le Codex

    72hr Jam 2023 Carry A2

    Made for the 2023 72hrs Jam! This map is an experiment of making a Pass Time recreation, except the ball is carried on your back instead of in your hands. You use the reload (R) key to throw the ball, since you still have access to your weapons. Spawn/goal areas are probably not great, but...
  11. Ponds34

    Medieval Waterpolo 2023-10-28

    A recreation of a fortress forever map, made medieval so I don't need to balance the horrendous sight-lines lol
  12. 14bit

    14bit MC24 a1a

    Made for MC24, based on prompts from DoctorDoomtrain64 The run-in goal is underwater!
  13. August101

    pass_snowsteel a4b

    Contest entry for the 2022 tfconnect contest: A pass time map with a koth gimmick where I try to design it christmas-y
  14. dropknock

    pass_ruin a14

    Made for the 4v4 PASS Time competitive community. View: Features: • Platforms that act as jump multipliers for med only use, intented to give more mobility/gamapley impact to the class. • Ulama inspired rings on the sides that give anyone who goes...
  15. FrostyHoneyJuicy

    Proyard b2

    PROYARD The successor to Brickyard Created in June 2021, the map aims to improve gameplay for the competitive season. Brickyard issues were found during the PASS Time Federation Season 2 tournament and got fixed in this map.
  16. Emily Vasquez

    Medieval Probowl 2022-05-05

    As time went on, and the constant bloodshed throughout Redmond and Blutarch's rivalry for the Badlands continued, they've finally decided to settle this in a traditional manner: Putting their mercenaries in a live event of American Football to see who gets the land. They figured "Why not make...
  17. Fluury

    Bedtime 2022-03-31

    smalltime halloween map, pass time and halloween, a cursed combination this is my retribution FEATURING: - A bunch of AoE JACK Effects that switch every single time the ball spawns, ranging from your classic minicrits to the incredible watersphere or kill-throw-ball - no run-in, instead a...
  18. ❤littlefirez❤

    Basket ball stadium A1

    I decompiled a map from left 4 dead 2 and changed the missing textures to tf2 textures as well as the bottom of the map i used passtime and medieval mode for this (for balancing )
  19. Ismaciodismorphus

    Tundratown v3

    Its Timbertown! but oh no big industry has arrived! Rio Grande coal has set up a coal mine in the Blu district with The binski logging company shredding their way through the Red district. Clearly the only way this corporate war between front companies can end is a game of soccerhockeybasketball...
  20. *Turns into crocodile*

    gococo a2

    - adpass prefab: - Tree pines: