
  1. Stiffy360

    Multi Stage CP_Hopper a5

    A Multistage Attack and Defense map. Currently only has the first stage, but will eventually have 3 stages. Capture points are close and rounds are meant to be fairly short. Set in a granary theme.
  2. Hyperion

    Redfall a2

    Standard two point multistage payload map... for now. The map has prefix "tcpl_" and part will come later, stage by stage. The map is quite long to be multistage (about 20% longer than most maps). There is no forward spawns yet and testing will show if blue needs one. The theme and textures are...
  3. Sor

    Sidero A6

    5CP nothing to really say here, very generic.
  4. Luther

    Multi Stage Frosty Outpost a2

    An multi stage attack/defend map played in a frosty outpost somewhere in the mountains. Let me know what you think. Resources used: Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack
  5. P

    plr_Gravel Stage 1 (DISCONTINUED) a7

    Keeping this for archive purposes Stage One of an idea that suddenly appeared. Both teams were hired to blow up a pile of gravel that is rumored to contain a large amount of australium, but only the team that blows up the gravel is getting payed.
  6. Hyperion

    Multistage KotH (A/D) v3

    Prefab for multistage attack-defend koth, 3 stages, can be extended to 8 stages. Based on ABS Mapping Pack prefabs. Key features & how it works -60 seconds setup time -Red has to hold 3 minutes and Blu 2 minutes to win the stage -After Red has won a stage, map resets (essentially like any...