
  1. Petachepas

    The Scouting Scoundrel 2019-08-05

    Just pop the folder unzipped into your "custom" forder in "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\" and give it a try! Concept by Vipes
  2. Scampi

    Medieval Mode Recommendations

    Greetings! I'm working on a medieval mode payload map for my payload contest entry, and I'd like to take a serious, wounding, stab at fixing as many medieval issues as I can. I understand that this gamemode will always suck compared to normal tf2, but that's not the point. This is an experiment...
  3. Mess About

    Medina b2

    The map was supposed to be a MVM map, but after done all the brush work, I feel like it not worth it. So I scrap it for different mode, but since this is an MVM map, only 2 modes fit it: Medieval and Player Destruction _________________________________________________________ B2 Big thank to...
  4. BigfootBeto

    Medieval Siege Machine A6

    Forsooth thee, here ye hear ye something something medieval payload. Want to siege a castle, but said castle has walls? Well look no further as we have provided you with a siege machine! This particular model is known as a Siege Tower, and by the time we're done explaining its many features...
  5. Sexy Robot

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Big fuckin' chainsaw 2017-02-13

    It is a chainsaw, it cuts things up. Replaces a bunch of pyro melee items i hope, blades are animated. Concept art by Square.
  6. Crrrrrrystal


    Hello, I've been playing TF2 casually since the pyromania update. I've always been a bit bored by how few maps I feel the game currently has. I discovered this community through Crash's Glassworks videos, and I've decided to try out this whole map making thing. I'm 1 point into the alpha of a 4...
  7. GeeNoVoid

    Past 72hr Jam Entry koth_bucket (re-upload) A3

    This is a small King of the Hill map where once a player steps out of spawn, they are forced to use their melee weapons instead of their other weapons to fight for the control point. (reuploaded due to recent site problem)