help with hammer

  1. Z

    kinda buggy skybox

    the skybox is enables you to see through a wall and its not supposed to. the first picture is from the outside and the second one is from where im looking at in the first
  2. True lemon

    only one of my respawnroomvisualizers is showing

    ive tried everything to fix it but it simply wont show. and the one that dosent show is the duplicate of the original
  3. SirGoldalot

    TC map project, (I need feedback and possibly help)

    I want my next mapping endeavor to evolve for more people than just myself, meaning I wanted to do a non ordinary map idea, a cool and interesting theme, and tackle a problem facing tf2, so I decided I wanted to fix territorial control... sounds daunting THINGS I WANTED TO KEEP -only 2...
  4. Gungle

    Help with displacements

    I have made in hammer a 8 sided cylinder displacements and wanted to make the top side also a displacement but it wouldn't let me turn it into a displacement. what to do?
  5. Call_Me_Meme

    I need some help with func_physbox entities.

    I'm trying to make a map with a lot of breakable materials using func_physbox entities. For some reason whenever I make a world brush into a func_physbox entity, it keeps reverting back to a world brush. Whenever I make it a func_physbox, everything seems to work normally but whenever I...
  6. DirectKEK

    Applying Textures Don't Work

    (I am completely new to this, and have absolutely no experience in map making whatsoever. Please disregard anything stupid I say.) So, I made a block, chose a texture, and hit enter. The block did not get a new texture, it just went from a blue frame to yellow. help
  7. technicaldifficulties

    I think my hammer is broken

    I just started mapping a while ago before the new patches for tf2, my hammer was fine then but after the recent patches my hammer shortcut was broken so i tried to fix it. When i got hammer working i tried to run the map i was working on and the map wont compile saying the compiler stopped...
  8. Donk

    Textures Not Moving; Despite Brush Entity Being Moved

    So, ever since around a week ago, none of my textures will move, despite the brush entity being dragged to a different place. Could anyone help me? I drew up an example, the Lines represent the textures, and the squares represent brush entities. I would very much appreciate any advice I can get...
  9. kufte

    Some errors I got fixed.

    Starting a 'Fast' compile. Starting compilation of D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\sdk_content\maps\tate_statia.vmf Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Dec 15 2016) 4 threads materialPath: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress...
  10. Metric

    (Solved) Partial Missing Texture on World Brush

    I have no idea what to call it, but it's certainly not the purple missing texture problem. Here's how it looks in-game: Here's the brush in Hammer with portals shown: The spoiler below contains the full compile log. This has been occurring for a while now (after multiple compiles and...
  11. TheSuperDaine

    Pitch Black view models

    I'm making a vent with the same 96x96 size as the one in turbine, but the one in turbine (as well as mine) makes your view model (almost) pitch black. The amount of light or position of lights or even the density of all the lights don't seem to affect this problem. The view models turn bright...
  12. UnDead Lincoln

    I need some help with hammer

    so I am new to hammer and I created a simple box in hammer. So then I go to run the map but then it said that the file specified could not be found. I'll show you it here ** Executing... ** Command: Copy File ** Parameters: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress...