
  1. HameLeonB

    Past 72hr Jam Entry screenshot meme 2022-07-23

    Surrounded by everyone you can
  2. Nice Guy

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Little gun 2022-07-23

    Im new to this event so I dont know if im doing this right. There is nothing much to explain other than that this is a fanmade character mashup of enginner and Jules from Fortnite. I hope my entry is accepted.
  3. Der Erzähler

    Past 72hr Jam Entry TF2-Rayman Legends Soundtrack - Mariachi Madness (Eye of the Tiger) 2022-07-23

    Music video featuring tf2 characters to music from rayman legends Mariachi Madness (Eye of the Tiger) using taunts.
  4. nikolay0604☭ #savetf2

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Recreation in the forest 2022-07-23

    Что может быть лучше отдыха на природе?
  5. Psycho On Steam

    Past 72hr Jam Entry The Founding Fathers v2 2

    All 3 American classes (Scout from Boston, Enginner from Texas, Soldier from the midwest) posing in front of an American flag + a distorted TV scroll/glitch effect.
  6. Psycho On Steam

    Past 72hr Jam Entry The Founding Fathers 1

    All 3 American classes posing in front of a USA flag + a glitch effect.
  7. Uncle Grandpa

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Road in the future 2022-07-22

    Hello I haven’t made posters for a long time, my hands have lost the habit of such work, but I tried to make everything beautiful, so.. ye I hope you will like it :)
  8. lilongwe

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Engineer Street 2022-07-22

    Summer 72hr Jam submission Based on a street in UK (Greater Manchester)
  9. e1ectro

    Past 72hr Jam Entry The Mind Blowing Adventure: Engi - Robot killer. 1

    An engineer killed during a 2 hour game on 2fort. He was taken to the hospital, where he was made into a cyber soldier in order to destroy the robots. The video shows the upgrade process.
  10. EmperorFaiz

    Raisin for Steak Griller 1.1

    Grill and chill with a propane-powered, last-minute built griller. FEATURES Team-colored and higher-res texture Jigglebones Powered by propane instead of the bastard gas, butane.
  11. 1AsianPanda

    A BLU Christmas 2021-12-19

    Here's a poster I made of my 4 most played classes as blu mercs enjoying a nice Christmas together. I chose not to use any cosmetics as I think they just look better with their default look. It's been a while since I last touched sfm, and while I had some problems, I'm really happy at how it...

    Engineer Portrait 2021-12-19

    The Height of Masculinity. Submitted for the 2021 Winter Jam.
  13. cruster®

    Mousepad RED Engineer 2021-12-19

    This is my artwork based on RED Engineer made by Big Green Pepper from Valve Store. I have done it in MS Paint. It came out more abstractly than I originally planned, but I hope that you will like it ;)
  14. [TH] S

    Cold Winter 2021-12-19

    This is my poster I made for the 72hr jam. Merry Christmas to everyone!
  15. r2d2upgrade

    Warhammer Fantasy Meets Team Fortress 2 - Dwarven Engineer 1

    Engineer TF2, but a Dwarf from the Engineering Guild of the realm of Warhammer Fantasy! The illustration is drawn in Clip Studio Paint, and the 3D model was created in Blender. Now you'd best keep an eye on my guns, Pyromancer. Else I'll have your negligence noted in the Dammaz Kron!
  16. boop

    Preparations 2021-12-17

    The red team is preparing to make a fuss
  17. Da Spud Lord

    Engineer Buildings on Moving Platforms Prefab V1

    You'd think making a moving platform that engineers can build upon would be an easy enough thing to implement: Detect when a building is placed on it, and parent to the platform. Alas, we can take nothing for granted when it comes to this acursed engine! Yet! Even in the face of fearsome...
  18. CRD716

    Mission Mercenary 2020-09-07

    My first attempt at a cosmetic item, and oh boy did it go wrong. I had to use that horrible thumbnail because the actual program you're supposed to use broke a long time ago, and the ones that worked were awful. I think over the jam I've added quite a few GBs to my SSD. Yes, it's so low poly...
  19. Extra Ram

    The One-Man

    A fun mechanical head item for the Engineer, inspired by everyone's favorite Autobot leader from the Transformers franchise; Optimus Prime! Modelling, Texturing, Rigging & All the other real important work: JZeeb Concept & SFM Promowork by ExtraRam Additional Promowork & TFMV renders: Bonk...
  20. TheGunth ☭

    Give ´em hell, boys! 2020-09-06
