
  1. Radial

    72hr Jam 2024 Trigger a2a

  2. Crash

    Blocked a20

    A full length payload map set in a marble quarry, for the Stack the Deck contest, fulfilling the following cards (plus more!): Gameplay- Delay Mechanic (two of them!) Functional Elevator (two of them!) Two objectives within 1024hu (two of them!) It will eventually have a non-deathpit hazard (or...
  3. Sae35™

    Textured Well Elevator 1.0

    Just a simple retexture of the unfinished Well Elevator + Track Model. Simply uses an existing metal texture in-game on top of the AO bake instead of it being just an AO bake.
  4. A Smooth Criminal

    Hot Slots V2

    I'm baaaack. This time with an attack/defend map. It's a bit on the small side (I'd say, maybe a bit bigger than dustbowl first stage?) and early in development, but it's easily the least jank map I've made so far. BLU has decided to raid RED's casino, taking advantage of the secret geothermal...
  5. Cyberen

    Multiple Floor Elevator Prefab 1.0

    Have you wanted to move something along a track to specified spots but don't know how to make it work? Download this and modify it to your needs! Credit to Tiftid for making this function!
  6. Cyberen

    Train / elevator to different floors each time?

    Check out this map, I thought I could use AddOutput to move the tracktrain to whichever path_track I wanted by first setting the target, then moving the train, but it doesn't move at all. When they were linked 1-6 it just went to 6 and stopped. Any idea how I can make the tracktrain move (not...
  7. L

    Uplift A14

    This is what happens when I play Aliens: Dark Descent and see MANY steep mineshaft lifts with the ARC on it. It's bloody COOL. However, what isn't cool is elevator logic.
  8. Aspennly

    MVM Encounter Overlays Version 1.0

    Check out MVM Encounter here: https://tf2maps.net/downloads/encounter.13236/ Have you ever wanted to make a map that takes place in a Gray Mann base? No? Oh well, here's all of the signs I made for MVM's first reverse exclusive map, MVM Encounter. This pack contains: .BSP Logo (2 colours) x5...
  9. Stack Man

    Control Point Elevator (Matches Cap Progress) a3

    A control point elevator that moves upward, matching the progress of the capture at all times. The entity trigger_timer_door is not used as it does not allow variable cap rates, does not account for capture blocking, and greatly increases capture decay rate. Instead, this prefab manually sets...
  10. Stack Man

    adctf_stackman a1a

    My first attempt at adctf. The flag is in a forward hold building, and the capture zone is on an elevator the moves downwards as it is capped.
  11. Stack Man

    PLR Cart Elevator Prefab A3b

    A cleaned up and ready-to-copy cart elevator as seen on plr_hightower. Also includes a mid-track elevator. Notes: The prefab is set up to allow a team_train_watcher to handle rollfoward and rollback zones using only flags, so no manual outputs are needed. As a result, there are two...
  12. wolfcl0ck

    Wellevator 2021-08-04

    Well used to have an elevator. Now it does again! Hurray.
  13. Person Meetup

    pl_elevation A1

    Design concept drafted up for Straight to the Core
  14. Stiffy360

    plr_shaft a3b

    plr_shaft is a unique payload race map. Instead of a normal track, the teams have to push a large drill down a vertical shafte to the bottom. There is a large amount of verticality in this map with two main levels. The upper area, and the lower underground space. You can easily traverse these...
  15. Red Phial

    Jerinktopian Stardestroyer 0

    RED and BLU team fight over a very powerful, very fast, and very valuable alien space ship during the STARWARS™ Clone Wars™ era. An introduction video covers the role of RED and BLU in more detail. Fight over the control room as RED or BLU team to defend or capture the Jerinktopian...
  16. pasqually

    Moving KOTH Control Point Help

    Hello, all. I'm very new to Hammer and mapping in general (and I know that trying to run before I can crawl is not the best idea) but I'm trying to do some testing on an idea that I had- a Control Point that raises while you cap it and drops back to a base position when you don't. (Once it...
  17. samjooma

    pl_descend a4

    A payload map with 4 control points. When blue team captures control point A, the cart is lowered into a cave with an elevator. Blue spawn: Control point A: Path from blue spawn into the cave: The cave between A and B: Control point B: Path to control point C: Control...
  18. Cynder loves Portal

    elevator with windows A1

    Just an elevator... Nothing more nothing less. One prefab for blue and one for red. You can operate the elevator by the console: (Red button is the emergency stop) or the panels by the doors. View from the front towards the console:
  19. Cynder loves Portal

    High security elevator area A1

    The file contains an example map, prefabs for red and blue base. The prefabs for the red and blue base do not include lighting. All screenshots are taken from the example map:
  20. Atasco

    Making an televeportalationalizer

    Okay, so, I realize it sounds like a joke, but I'm trying to make a multiplayer friendly elevator. I have how it works 100% in my head, but I have NO idea how to transfer that to hammer. Here's my process: Because actual vertical moving platforms in Source are............... Problematic, for...