control point

  1. pumpko

    Reefer a1

    3cp (currently only 2cp) a/d map set in a snowy facility where every point is located on the same axis (big train) very simple, very old school. no funny angles on this one. will hopefully get better with time
  2. nesman

    Featured Maps 2024

    What is January February? Hell if I know, is that something someone made up? You bet your ass it is! Anyways that doesn't matter, time is linear and also, Happy New Year! We asked for your nominations for the featured maps and boy, we sure did get them again this year. No, we did not have...
  3. PyeFlower

    Symmetrical Steeltype Prefab v1

    Steeltype transformed into a symmetrical gamemode! Capping the other team's C point wins the game. Capturing A and B makes attacking C easier and harder for the enemy team to defend. Both teams attack and defend. The main version of this prefab has 6 control points, but I also made an 8cp...
  4. KickTheBuddyFan2016

    gulag alpha 4

    A territorial control map set in a prison during the winter. To download the map click the download button and go into your Team Fortress 2 Maps File ( Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps ) and put the downloaded BSP file into the folder.
  5. goobert

    CPv2001 Control Point Remake (TF2Maps Version) 1.0

    This is a remake of "CPv2001 Animated Capture Point" by Alistor. This is not a reupload. Alistor's files have not been included anywhere within this project. I have previously uploaded the mod "[TF2C REMAKE] CPv2001 Animated Capture Point" to Gamebanana and have since received requests to...
  6. KickTheBuddyFan2016

    CP Depot alpha 3

    amateur mirrored 5cp map attempt to forgive my primitive brush work this is the first map I've uploaded
  7. Wilson

    72hr Jam 2024 Backalley 2024 A2

    Everyone knows the drill by now. Now look at this bridge.
  8. Sitrulus Melon

    CP Gelid

    Sitrulus Melon submitted a new resource: Gelid - 5 capture point map set in an isolated facility in the north Read more about this resource...
  9. Tavish

    72hr Jam 2024 Cobblefort b3

    This map was made for the 2024 72hour jam. Cobblefort is a cp map that is heavily inspired by Cobblestone from CSGO. I used custom assets from the frontline assetpack. Horse is no longer pink. B4 is coming very soon. So look out!
  10. food sniper

    72hr Jam 2024 cp_clicker 1

    cp_clicker is a 12v12 designed map that totally changes how you play the Control Points gamemode. It only contains 1 control point, and whichever team captures it first wins the game. However, the point is locked behind a door, and in order to open it you need to destroy a series of props with...
  11. Robin ❤

    Estradiol a12

    Welcome to cp_estradiol! This is my "first" map (still working on an older one but figured this would be good practice) Heavily inspired by the early style of Roblox and Project: Remix's battle arenas. Basically just a simple A/D 3 control point layout. Credits for Custom Content: (Some) Dev...
  12. Padre Snowmizzle

    Prairie (CP) 7.0.0

    Don't let the pretty prairie fool you; RED's intelligence hijacker's getting shut down with grit. A long time ago in the Teufort farmlands, RED devised a way to intercept BLU communications to not only prepare for incoming attacks but also collect rocket codes. After a prototype of the IHS...
  13. SanixPlayz

    cp_rampway A3

    One of my first maps that I made a while ago. I wanna get back into mapping so feedback is appreciated.
  14. BlaxorTheCat

    WillRock a2

    a 5cp map with rock taking elements from process and gully
  15. PizzaDoofus

    Make scout capture at the normal rate??

    Hello!! Is there a way for scout to capture control points at the normal rate in hammer/vscript? I making a map where scout being able to capture at double rate is kind of broken and not very fun to play against. Thank you!
  16. Sarexicus

    [VScript Prefab] Payload Control Point Finale rc1

    As seen on pl_odyssey! This prefab VMF and VScript file allows a Payload map to have a Control Point finale. Installation Instructions Copy the contents of prefab_pl_cp_last.vmf to your VMF. Change the index of the cp_final control point entity to one higher than your number of control points...
  17. Gigachad gaming

    VSH Well (5 CP) 1.0

    How hard can it be to kill a single man?! Defeat him once and for all! Credits: LizardOfOz - Programming, game design, promotional material and overall development. The original VSH Plugin from 2010. Maxxy - Saxton Hale's model imitating Jungle Inferno SFM; Custom animations and promotional...
  18. Korkade

    cp_boomcanyon A4

    this map sort of has a industry and a canyon theme and this is the first stage.
  19. MisterMaker_71

    Gravetyloss b1

    payload map located inside a spaceship inside a asteroid field. Blues objective is to push the cart throu 3 points where the cart stops and they need to capture a controlpoint to unlock the cart and procede. Over the duration of the map will doors and other things lock and unlock depending...
  20. Korkade

    Multi Stage Dustbowl Fixed & Improved v11

    This is a fixed version of dustbowl How to download map from TF2Maps. Drag the .BSP file into this directory "SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps" then you type "map cp_dustbowl_fix" into the console in game without the quotation marks to play it Major changes & improvements...