
  1. X

    Areaportal leak not reported in the compile log

    Hello, I have a problem (again) with areaportals: when I compile the map, as you will see, it reports no relevant errors. But when I play it some areaportals (and only some of them) act as if there's a leak somewhere, by not showing what's behind them for example. I don't think it's anything...
  2. Cincomma

    Trouble with Areaportals

    I've been mapmaking for a while now, and there was one thing I avoided doing due to it always inevitably failing; areaportals. I tried to use them on Flurry, but they all appeared closed when I ran the map. I didn't take any screenshots of it, but they all were closed. When I tried to remove a...
  3. pasta masta

    my areaportal is bad? i trying areaportal for optimize blocked all enter/exit but i still have a leak
  4. TheGhostThatWas

    Lighting Missing and Half-Leaks

    I'm currently editing a modified version of pl_barnblitz, but I'm getting tired of trying to understand the optimization problems. The biggest issue I'm having is that the map appears to be rendering without any light_environment, but I think that has to do with the optimization issues, a leak...
  5. Billo

    adding area portal to a map

    i was trying recently to add area portal to my map. basicly in every doorway i had and in every 'house doors or windows and it doesnt work.its says that area portals make the map not you know update-work. and i am pressing control - T and name is areaportal like everyone else. what am i doing...
  6. Pocket

    Coplanar areaportal and areaportal_window?

    Is this... not allowed? I know that if you have, say, two doorways on the same wall and they both have areaportals covering them, they'll be merged into a single one when the map compiles. But if one of them, for some reason, is a func_areaportal_window, does this cause problems? I ask because...