Rust Belt

PL Rust Belt RC1


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
pl_destroit - To-be Payload Map with an urban theme!


Welcome to Destroit, which is not only a bad pun if you can even identify it as such but also a Payload map.

Screenshots of the first Alpha version below:





Cheers, and see ya in a playtest!

L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 24, 2017
Cop 1: Hey, Bobby, look over there. Those guys pushing a bomb through the streets?
Cop 2: Yeah.
Cop 1: Should we stop them?
Cop 2: Nah.
Cop 1: But they're gonna blow up part of the town!
Cop 2: I'm sorry, do you wanna fight the guys who can build railways through detroit?
Cop 1: No, but-
Cop 2: That's what I thought. Now come on, our lunch break is gonna start, and I don't wanna miss this fight.


L3: Member
Jan 10, 2017
I enjoyed most of the chokes, but last is inpossible for Red to hold


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
I enjoyed most of the chokes, but last is inpossible for Red to hold

The Last for this map is hands down awful, and chances are Ill be reworking it entirely aswell as the area in front of it - the third point.

The feedback from the first playtest was fairly useful, so adjustments will be coming soon(tm)


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
A2 is here coming with some freshly brewed balancing, big changes, and an entirely different Last point because the Last one (heh) was absolutely gobshite.
Nonetheless, here are is the Changelog:

- The Last point has been entirely redesigned and remade for a more pleasurable gaming experience
- Third Cap area changed:
-- Added an extra room on the back-alley so it's less of a choke and boring
--Added Crate to block some sight and offer Cover
--Added a new building overviewing the third point which can be accessed via the pit-building. Windows offer a new angle to attack the Third Point with.
-Second Cap area changed
-- Added Slopes so you can leave the Pit area on both sides now
--Added The Shredder and his pal Banana as a lil threat to the big healthpack found in it. Relive your worst nightmares of Mannhattan with this villianous duo!
- First Cap changed
--Added additional backroute to the building overseeing it to offer a new way of attacking it
-BLU Spawn area changed
-Moved door and building back
-Adjusted spawn times

NOTICE: BLU will still have a huge time advantage. This is for testing purposes and will likely be subject to change in the future.

Here are some screenshots. Yes I know you can disable the HUD but I forgot about it, alright?


Thanks for all the feedback, and see ya next imp!

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
This update is mostly minor adjustments on several areas since the map appears to be going smoothly. If everything goes right, the detailing phase might come sooner than later!

- Decreased the time BLU gets on every cap to prevent matches which last too long.
- Replaced the massive amount of boxes on the Last area with a simple Container.
- Changed several Healthpack and ammo pack sizes
- Widened area on Cap 3
- Gave RED a high ground option
- Shortened the fence to allow RED to shoot BLU from the other side of the pit area
- Clipped all stairs
- Added crate-cover on the building at the end side of RED last to prevent an extreme sightline
- Once Cap 1 is capped, the Locker in RED's forward spawn now gets disabled.
- You should no longer get stuck on the fence infront of BLU's spawn
- Increased Setup time ever so slightly

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
- The building behind the one overlooking the Grinder is now closed-off via gates while the second cap is not capped. This should make it less confusing to navigate through the map and should prevent BLU from going too deep without said intent.
- Added a new room with a window overlooking the second point alongside of a high ground option for RED, this should allow RED to hold the second point more effectively.
- Moved the second and third cap back ever so slightly.
- Closed the opening at the first point's choke as it was incredibly awkward.
- Clipped the top fence at the first point
- Decreased the room size of the building leading to the flank at Last and also blocked a nasty sightline

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
Testing is coming along just fine and Destroit has entered the "Let's give it an incredibly basic art-pass" phase where it's literally the alpha, but with textures!

Either way, it also comes with some balancing. So;


- Added some basic texturing so it's slightly less alpha!
- The door to the cap 2 building has been closed off till cap 2 has been capped to further drive the RED team towards the point
- Adjusted the timing
- Increased banana power
-Slightly moved the fence at BLU spawn to prevent easy spam into the spam
- made the pit at last a bit deeper so people dont think it isnt a deathzone

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
After an entire week of non-stop work I'm happy to show the beta version of Destroit! Featuring: Textures! Props! Actual Detailing! Buildings which aren't cubes! And much more.
Past tests have shown that Destroit appears to have a very solid ground for gameplay. Obviously that overconfidence I have in the map is subject to change with how the beta version plays out and the feedback received.

Note that several parts of the map is still fairly ugly. Most respawn rooms consist of empty rooms with texture's in em, so do several interior areas. Mostly the exterior has been worked on.

Nonetheless, here is the fairly minor Changelog:
- We have entered Beta, the map has been heavily detailed, but not to completion.
- Adjusted several health-pack locations and sizes
- Slightly adjusted time received for each cap
- Last area now features Cow-prions which act as floating platforms! Very experimental.
- Last high ground to the left was slightly changed, it no longer has a window.
- The last area's pit is now a grinder which makes a big and scary noise, hopefully preventing people to jump into it.

The map is shaping along real nicely, and I'll be awaiting the feedback from the next playtest. See ya!

I also updated the Download with some new screenshots!

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Last edited:

Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
man you works really fast, same with haywire, it's like you're having a race or something


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
B2 is here and comes with a variety of small adjustments and more progress on the art-pass - meaning that a lot of the interior now actually has something in it, instead of just being entirely empty! The only interior/area left that probably needs some overlooking are respawn rooms, because screw 'em, and the Last area, which still has a lot of unpolished things on it.
B3 will thus focus on the things mentioned above, alongside of making the first optimization adjustments/probably more detailing. I'm also (from a pure balancing perspective) unsure about the third point, but we will see what testing will give us.

Here is the changelog:
- More detailing, mostly focusing on interior!
- Lots of clipping to prevent getting stuck on tiny ledges, or finding ground to stay on on random ledges.
- added a tiny wall at the last area to prevent RED constantly falling into the grinder
- Adjusted respawn times + time gained from the cap points
- Lowered the high ground from BLU's forward spawn so players no longer take fall damage when leaving spawn and being too lazy to take the stairs
- Fixed some prop-fade distances

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
A new week, a new update. This time featuring mostly more detailing work and most importantly: A Skybox! The map actually feels like a map now, incredible, right?

- Added a real skybox
- More detailing work primarily focusing on Respawn rooms and Last
- Slight respawn timer/timer in general adjustments

See ya next playtest!

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
Let's get right into the patchlog:

- Changed sun angle by a bit, which should make the entire map feel a lot better!
- started work on Optimization
- Generally a bit more work on detailing
- Added a way to get on the high ground alternatively from the room at the stage 3 cap - this should make holding it as RED a lot more attractive
- Fixed a number of small, visual oddities
- made the fences at the second cap a little bit higher to prevent a weird sightline
- fixed also another sightline at second with a convenient wooden plate
- removed several security rails as they were preventing fluid gameplay, made the few that existed solid
- Adjusted timer: While the max is lower now( 8 Minutes instead of 10) BLU gets a generous amount of time for each cap!
- Changed water texture and fixed some skybox stuffs

See ya next patch! Destroit - name pending as I find it too silly - is coming close to being done!

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L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 24, 2017
Destroit - name pending as I find it too silly -

Eurupt. (Europe + Erupt)
Boomdocks. (Boondocks + Boom)
Chicablow (Chicago + Blow)
Blaston (Boston + Blast)

I can keep going on names, but they're all going to be popular cities with an explosion mixed in.


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
Eurupt. (Europe + Erupt)
Boomdocks. (Boondocks + Boom)
Chicablow (Chicago + Blow)
Blaston (Boston + Blast)

I can keep going on names, but they're all going to be popular cities with an explosion mixed in.

These are some good ideas! However what I was getting at was that most TF2 map names are actual, well, words. Mannhattan is the only active pun I can think of, and that one is just served on a silver platter. Destroit sounds kinda off. You could make an argument that badwater isn't a real word either, but that's a combination of two real words.

Basically; I'm searching for real words, and I am having a hard time coming up with anything that is city/urban related that doesnt sound boring or poopy.


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
B5 is here, officially changing the name from a bad pun to "Rust Belt". I initially wanted to name it Flint, as it's quick and a cool word, but given the political drama surrounding it, I chose against that.

Either way, here is the Patch log:
- Changed name from Destroit to Rust Belt
- A bunch of clipping! Really, you shouldn't get stuck anywhere now, try it!
- Adjusted respawn time of RED for Last
- Added spectator cameras, including a grinder cam.
- Removed a door at the third point as it was giving BLU way too many routes to attack
- adjusted some health packs and drop locations/sizes
- General Optimization (WiP)
- Made certain areas less blocky and better looking/general polish
- Gave each cap individual names + changed the starting messages to be lore friendly
- Changed the fence at BLU's spawn to be less confusing/jarring
- probably a bunch of misc stuff

If I had to do a to-do list of what is left to get Rust Belt into RC, it would probably look like this:

- A bit more general polish
- A bit more optimization
- Soundscapes
- Fix the 300 lightning issues that appear to be scattered through the map which I cant for the love of god find a solution for
- Fix any gameplay related issues that might be found via testing

The last test of Destroi - I mean, rust belt showed to me that the gameplay seems to be rather solid. This update kinda aims to make certain small gameplay quirks to be less stupid, and that's about it.

Closing in on the finish line; But I still need some testing. So see ya next playtest.

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