That Guy On The Left

L1: Registered
Oct 6, 2016
C_Infiltration - Infiltrate the BLU base in a single player match, death is failure, and it's 54 to 1.

-The first in my series of Campaign maps in TF2.
-Designed as a one player, or potentially a cooperative, experience. With many environmental kills put in to find and use.
-Map has four different outcomes depending upon how the objectives are followed.
-Comes with vmf for dissection and constructive criticism at a programming level.

This map is still in alpha, though it is leaps and bounds ahead of its earlier version, it features some bugs to watch out for, including:
-Bots immediately coming back at their spawn point, on RED team.
-Since the last part of the map requires the player to stand on a func_tracktrain, TF2 may clip them into it, or fling them out, clips around the train have been made to try to remedy this, it's advised to stay away from the back.
-If the detonator is used at the very end of the map, the game may kill the player at random, I have been working hard to isolate what's causing this, it may be an oversight in a large trigger_hurt that's meant to clear out all BLU bots before the round resets.
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That Guy On The Left

L1: Registered
Oct 6, 2016
Well! Right you are, thank you for the head's up, though I don't think I'll change the title of the map unless asked specifically by him.


L1: Registered
Dec 9, 2014
Alright, so, feedback:
  • autobalance can be enabled after dying a few times and totally screw up the map
  • the BLU base in the later stage has overkill bloom from a distance, and an issue with its window textures
  • it's not clear what class(es) you want us to play in this map- I did Spy, because its name was infilitration, but there were a lot of direct combat rooms that seemed to go against that design philosophy
  • I had a lot of trouble searching for environmental cues, especially since some of them are innocous props in other maps
that being said this is an interesting concept, and I can't wait to see where it goes. the map working as intended + sexy detailing + class-oriented maps could really innovate what TF2 mapmaking can do, imo.


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 29, 2015
Campaign maps? That sounds interesting. I might put my 5 cents in.

That Guy On The Left

L1: Registered
Oct 6, 2016
Hey, thanks a lot for your feedback guys, I might have a strategy to fix the window blooms for the final base, I'm posting up a long running project later today or tomorrow on the next campaign map, sorry it's been less than a year since I've said something, been too busy making TF2 shitposts.

That Guy On The Left

L1: Registered
Oct 6, 2016
Fair enough, mind if I wait to do it until I update the map? You know, get a new version up and running? (whenever that will be) Aaaand... Any recommendations? Not the best with naming.

That Guy On The Left

L1: Registered
Oct 6, 2016
I just had the idea for a minecart C_ map reminiscent of oddworld: stranger's wrath, (obscure, I know.) where one would be parented to three carts, one with a dispenser and a level 1 sentry, and one where another player could post up, and would go through a lengthy track before ultimately being launched off, in theory, the unparenting could be done with "'setparent''!activator'" with nothing written in the parameters, and if that doesn't work, the track_train the player is parented to can be deleted at the end.