
PL Corrode RC2

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Jan 20, 2010


Version: B3a

Changelog @ Bottom

Link to Map Download (BZ2)

I fixed some pretty minor things, mostly suggested by Boylee from a run-through yesterday. Also fixed a place where people could get stuck. All around, it's about the same but slightly better.
Jan 20, 2010
Made a new Flythrough. It's a bit odd, since it was made in SFM, but it's better than the old one.

It's of the version B3B which I'm compiling the playable version right now. I had to compile a special SFM one so it would actually work in the godforsaken program.
Jan 20, 2010
I've released B3B :D


It's really a minor update, hence the no new number, but it does have some nice polish changes:

Added Soundscapes
Fixed some clipping errors (thanks Equi)
Fixed kill trigger under elevator (hopefully)
Mar 23, 2010
you can tele into the sodabreak room in blu spawn
Jan 20, 2010


Reduced the filesize dramatically.
I fixed so many stairs, oh my god, please save me from these stairs.
Some visual changes that may or may not be apparent.
Added a rear spawn room to red's CP 4 spawn room which is used after CP3 is taken.
Added a rollback zone before CP3 on the ramp up to the lab.
Fixed as many random nodraw textures as I (and others) could find.
Lightened up some dark areas.
Added a whole bunch of signs to help guide players back to the play area.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Reduced the filesize dramatically.
Come now, you can't just say something like that without going into more detail on how. Just increasing the lightmap scale on a lot of things?

I fixed so many stairs, oh my god, please save me from these stairs.
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Jan 20, 2010
Come now, you can't just say something like that without going into more detail on how. Just increasing the lightmap scale on a lot of things?

The majority was lightmaps, yeah. I also removed some unnecessary custom things. Like my red concrete walls in the basement, which are now actually in TF2 so I don't need to pack them. As well as, for some reason, the dirty bomb was being packed and that took up a huge amount of room. I also got rid of a few other custom models and textures that didn't really exist for any legitimate reason other than me not realizing they were custom textures.

I still want to get the filesize smaller, but I'm not sure what else to do at this point. I think this might be as small as it's going to get.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
I just want to say, by the way, that I realized something today about those busted glass doors you have just before C. You might have meant them purely as an aesthetic decision to match the overall worn-out theme of the map, but from a gameplay perspective they're quite effective at conveying that those doors will not open and close without any superfluous detail.


L1: Registered
Mar 27, 2013
I think that this map is really great, the 2 matches I played of it on the server were both very tight and crazy as hell, in the good way.
My major complaint is the theme, it doesn´t have that TF2 feel to it, in my opinion.
Jan 20, 2010
I just want to say, by the way, that I realized something today about those busted glass doors you have just before C. You might have meant them purely as an aesthetic decision to match the overall worn-out theme of the map, but from a gameplay perspective they're quite effective at conveying that those doors will not open and close without any superfluous detail.

They were put there for aesthetic reasons, yeah. :p Are you saying this is a good thing?

I think that this map is really great, the 2 matches I played of it on the server were both very tight and crazy as hell, in the good way.
My major complaint is the theme, it doesn´t have that TF2 feel to it, in my opinion.

Yeah, I get the not-tf2 feel comment fairly often. I more or less agree to a certain extent. I've tried my best to add bit of tf2's charm to it, but I'm not sure how successful I've been. It's really just a matter of adding more humor but I think that would require more custom content.

Anywho, thanks for the kind comments :D
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Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
It's a very good thing. You're conveying a useful thing about gameplay to the player at a glance using something that's clear, natural, and subtle. That's something that Valve harps on a lot in their commentaries as one of the ideals of level design: instruct the player, but in a way that doesn't make it feel like they're being instructed. Heck, if I can find more examples of this sort of thing in TF2 maps, it would be a good topic for a Nodraw article.

And if you're concerned about not feeling TF2-ish enough, the first thing that comes to my mind would be to ditch the realistic blue Chernabog radiation (not the real term, I know; I'm lazy) at the final point and go with a more conventional green. If there were ever a place where cartoony green radiation is not only excusable but probably expected, it's TF2.
Jan 20, 2010
It's a very good thing. You're conveying a useful thing about gameplay to the player at a glance using something that's clear, natural, and subtle. That's something that Valve harps on a lot in their commentaries as one of the ideals of level design: instruct the player, but in a way that doesn't make it feel like they're being instructed. Heck, if I can find more examples of this sort of thing in TF2 maps, it would be a good topic for a Nodraw article.

And if you're concerned about not feeling TF2-ish enough, the first thing that comes to my mind would be to ditch the realistic blue Chernabog radiation (not the real term, I know; I'm lazy) at the final point and go with a more conventional green. If there were ever a place where cartoony green radiation is not only excusable but probably expected, it's TF2.

Oh lord, the green radiation is quite the topic. Have you seen earlier versions of corrode? Back when I had green radioactive goop I had so many people complain about how ridiculous it looked. And now I'm getting people who want it (or something similar) back! Perhaps I will... perhaps...

Also, that is an awesome point about the doors. While it wasn't initially intentional, it may have been partially the intention. I'm really not sure. It's something I will definitely keep in mind in the future


L1: Registered
Mar 27, 2013
Yeah that seems to happen a lot. People talk about how something should change, then later on others want it back, heh.
I guess it´s all for the good of testing.
I´d say that you could try and make everything a bit more colorful, I understand this map is suppose to be dark starting from the 3rd screenshot, but it just kinda seems like something else. A few of the players on the server said it relates to Portal,
I´m not sure if I´d agree with that though.
Jan 20, 2010
Yeah that seems to happen a lot. People talk about how something should change, then later on others want it back, heh.
I guess it´s all for the good of testing.
I´d say that you could try and make everything a bit more colorful, I understand this map is suppose to be dark starting from the 3rd screenshot, but it just kinda seems like something else. A few of the players on the server said it relates to Portal,
I´m not sure if I´d agree with that though.

I can see how people get a bit of a portal vibe from some sections. The lab section in particular.

Anywho, yeah, I agree. Some more color might be in order.