
PL Borneo rc4

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L6: Sharp Member
Nov 4, 2009
decided to look at the readme for some reason, and..

To install the map just copy and paste cp_tidal_v4.bsp into your tf2 maps folder.

oh shit now I need to download tidal because the readme told me to

I'll update this with real feedback when I get around to it


Jun 23, 2010
Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg !

EDIT : The lighting of the map is very flat, you really should add more contrast, with some fancy colors like yellow and a blue/grey, the ambient of the map will looks really improved ;)
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L2: Junior Member
May 14, 2008
Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg !

EDIT : The lighting of the map is very flat, you really should add more contrast, with some fancy colors like yellow and a blue/grey, the ambient of the map will looks really improved ;)

The problem is, the trees wont look so good with such contrast. The leaves had to be compiled with constant directional light so you don't see the seams between them. This makes it so they would not look very good with really directional light, they would look more glowy than things around them.

But I could play around with it more and see how it looks with a bit more contrast added.


Sep 11, 2013
This looks really nice! The leaves are a bit too cartoony... they remind me of the Tarzan level in Kingdom Hearts. But it's nice anyway.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
The problem is, the trees wont look so good with such contrast. The leaves had to be compiled with constant directional light so you don't see the seams between them. This makes it so they would not look very good with really directional light, they would look more glowy than things around them.

But I could play around with it more and see how it looks with a bit more contrast added.

I haven't ran through it yet (will soon) but you could add torches or stand lights to provide some contrast. Lanterns would also work.


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
I am fond of the detailing in this map.


L4: Comfortable Member
Dec 13, 2011
Taking a bit of a look at this map I have a few things you should change.
These two halls make me feel claustrophobic. Making them a bit wider would probably sort that out. You may also want to consider using cooler colors for the stairs.
You should enlarge these windows some and make them 1-way so they are like those on thunder mountain.
Don't think this spot is very fair.
Needs a fence so you know you can't go up there.
Remove the pillar in the middle and slightly increase the size of the entrance. I didn't notice it playing through for the first 4 rounds.
Maybe add some bullet blocking textures so this doesn't happen.
Pizza Hut? The roof looks wonky.
Either use VPhysics or don't. This one just doesn't look good.
Also, I think you should be able to jump over that fence. I doubt it would effect gameplay except some cool spy routes if the rocks work correctly.
Completely unnecessary. Kind of detracts of the visuals of the map.
The caution line should line up with the support.
The fences blocks the ability to shoot at sentries. It makes it so that an uber
or a spy are the only methods to take out a sentry defending this point.
A side route that goes through the area in the first picture would be great for spies and scouts. It could come out in the second picture.
Questionable choice of roof textures. I don't think it makes a lot of sense, but that's just me.
Additionally there should be a door that opens for the cart, and the cart doesn't properly fall in it. It jumps to the other side where it then falls backwards.

Overall the map has too many easy flanking routes for RED, while being less successful for BLU. It would be better suited to play in reverse, except for the height advantages.

Additionally the level of detailing isn't designed with low-end computers in mind (he he, it rhymes). The grass all over the map is somewhat excessive, and the polygon counts on the leaves is excessive. Also the backs of many of the unreachable buildings are rendered. Using a nodraw texture would be helpful.

Overall I really like the detailing of the map, though, and playing it was enjoyable. A lot of it feels like goldrush, but it plays excellently.

Some work still needs to be done, but it is a well-made map.
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Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Man, when you detail a map, you really detail a map. I'm not sure I've ever seen this much added in the jump from alpha to beta before. I literally do not recognize most of this map anymore; the winding track near the beginning is familiar but that's about it.

(And yet you won't go back and retool Egypt.)

The problem that stuck out the most to me, besides the trees' leaves looking more like an attempt at recreating a traditionally-animated movie than something that fits with TF2, was the hazard strips on the one ramp. Those have become associated with ramps that have rollback/rollforward, so you should take them out.

Hopefully I'll get to mess around with this some more on impromptus during the week. And maybe on the Cafe if they still do their Tuesday test thing. (It's been so long since I've been there.)


L2: Junior Member
Mar 3, 2009
Just threw this up on my server about an hour ago to play a few rounds (with about 8-10 people) and we had a blast. The map flows really well and the open areas are very fun to attack and defend. The only real issue was the lack of arrows outside the spawn areas. There were a few people flocking in the wrong direction at the start of the map.


L2: Junior Member
May 14, 2008
The map is now updated to version 2. Thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions, especially Bereth, your help is appreciated.

Here's the change log:

-Widened right flank entry door to the final capture point room.
-Made it so players can now jump up boxes so they havemore access to the right entry door of the final building.
-Fixed bug trapping players in red's forward spawn.
-Added 5 seconds to the setup time.
-Removed hazard tape from bridge that was confusing players making them think it was a fallback zone.
-Fixed cart jumping into explosion pit.
-Added a few lanterns for more contrasting light.
-Changed leaf texture a bit. It's slightly desaturated now and there's a drop shadow between leaves.
-Removed a few places players could jump onto the branches of trees.
-Changed red flower texture to be more pink, so players will not confuse them with stickies.
-Fixed players being able to take damage through blue setup doors.
-Added more tree planes to background so it looks like the jungle goes on further if you jump high.


L1: Registered
Jan 28, 2012
''aw man that's beautiful... heh''


L2: Junior Member
Oct 16, 2009

stuck at the edge of that rock for a few seconds


Sep 11, 2013
You should turn off the hologram over the final point.

There are also some vents just out of Red spawn that are solid and I jump right into them a lot, on the right side. I can take a screenshot if you need.
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Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
That's awesome of you.

interesting that tree trunks and leaves are separate models. Any insight as to why you did it that way?
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