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Zombie Fortress VScript tests on Valve maps 23w23f

  • Now back to Mountain Lab!
  • Bomb is now not required to capture a point, except for Last.
  • Fixed Pyro and Heavy not having ammo reduction (200->100).

  • 60% Resistance to Airblast
  • Removed Wall Climbing.
  • Can now use any melee of their choice and some secondaries.
  • Now 20% bigger and their melee range is 50% longer.
  • Heavy eats his Buffalo Steak 50% faster.
  • Demo can't have a Shield.
* Now on Upward!
* Survivors Pyro and Heavy now have 100 ammo instead of 200.
* Fixed a bug when non-bomb-carrier sometimes counted towards the capture speed.
* Fixed Zombie HP regen bugs.
* Extended melee range and hitreg bounds of Zombies.
* Back to Dustbowl!
* Now you need to carry the flag between the control points.
* Only the flag carrier counts towards point capture progress.
* Capture speed was reduced to compensate. (No, Scout doesn't get x2 cap speed)
* Zombies now spawn at fixed locations ahead of Survivors where they can't spawn camp.
* Starting with 8 zombies against 16 survivors, instead of previous 4.
* Zombies regen 10 health per seconds.
* Zombies run 20% faster.
* People connected during setup will join Survivors.
Fixed Shields not being deleted for Zombie Demos.
Fixed Zombie models not applying to RED (forgot tf_logic_holiday set to Halloween)
* Now testing on: Barnblitz (not payload - just control points)
* Survivors are attacking and have to capture all points until the time (or survivors) runs out
* Survivors become Zombies as they die

* Zombies can't Random Crit anymore.
* Zombies can't pick up Health packs anymore.
* Fixed random Zombie selection being far from random.
* Last 3 survivors receive glow-through-walls effect.
* Each Zombie class has a fixed loadout:
** Scout: Sandman + Bonk
** Soldier: Equalizer + Any Banner. Banners charge passively over time.
** Pyro: Volcano Fragment. Explode with fire upon death.
** Demo: Caber. No shield. 225HP.
** Heavy: KGB and Buffalo Steak Sandvich.
** Engineer: Gunslinger. No PDAs. 225HP
** Medic: Bonesaw. Passive Amputator Aura.
** Sniper: Jarate and Bushwacka
** Spy: Sapper, Disguise Kit and Stock Invis Watch. Knife replaced with a Shovel that can't backstab, but deals proper damage.
* Improved melee hitreg.
* Zombies spawn at random location near the point available for capture.
* Medic now passively emits Amputator Aura.
** Probably doesn't stack with the real Amputator.
* Gas Passer now ignites enemies.
* Soldier starts with a full Banner.

* Last 3 Survivors get mini-crits. Last Survivor gets full crits.
* Medic's Uber Rate increased x1 -> x2.
* Natasha's change to slow was reduced 100 -> 15

* Removed the last point.
* Added anti-rush doors after each point.
* Slightly more sunlight.
* Crumpkins now shouldn't spawn.
* Now supports both Infection and Mann vs Zombie (the starer version)!
** Infection enabled on Dustbowl map test.

* Gas Passer takes 15s to charge instead of 60.
* Soldier's Banners now charge passively (takes around 25s to charge).