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Zeppelin (KOTH) 1.0.2

Australium, a fuel for fancy airships, and a pilot for an ever-chaotic war.

Australium, a fuel for fancy airships, and a pilot for an ever-chaotic war.

Well mercenaries, this mission's going to take you to new heights! A popular shipment zeppelin is carrying a motherlode of Austrailium. I'm sure the suits wouldn't mind either team borrowing some of it...

Jump out of your respective plane, stomach a rough landing, and be ready to go toe-to-toe with your enemies. Fight outdoors with a risk of plummeting, or indoors in tight chokes... your call! For those mercenaries who can master the skies, they may even be able to adjust their landing, or hell, even get on top of the zeppelin for an ambush. Be mindful of the propellers!

Gameplay-wise, this is the most chaotic KOTH map I've made thus far. Reduced gravity, a three-second capture time, and the teams need to hold the point for a mere two minutes. Sounds insane, but makes for some wacky tug-of-war action.

Optimization didn't go nearly as bad this time, ignoring a scale-down of the skybox... damn visleafs. I even started learning the ropes of logic entities to create a sort of mock-setup timer. Nothing crazy, but it's a start!

Don't be afraid to leave feedback and share your experiences! Let me know if you'd like to see more of my maps. Take it easy, folks.

I have a community server themed around mostly old-school TF2: the SMIZZ server. It contains older custom maps (along with mine), improved and functional TFBots, loads of silly rebalancing, and much more! The IP for anyone willing to join:

To download and play the map yourself:

1) Subscribe, boot up TF2, and go to this folder address: steam/steamapps/workshop/content/440

From there, visit the folder with the matching workshop link ID, then copy-paste it into your tf/maps folder.

2) Open TF2, then go to your console and type map workshop/insert workshop link ID here to download and enter the map.

Padre Snowmizzle
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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