-The ground is now made out of displacements! (That green dev texture was starting to be burned into my retinas.)
-Added a one way door for Red at C so they can get up to the battlements if needed.
-Added some detailing to the inside of Red's spawns.
-Blue now spawns initially in an area just outside of their main spawnroom.
-Split the large A door into two doors and changed the design a little bit.
-Made a layout reword to both A and B to make them less cramped and more defendable.
-Changed moved the small ammo pack near A to a different location, placing a small health kit where it once was.
-Added a train that passed by, above A nearby. It doesn't affect gameplay too much, but there is a bridge that it crosses that you can get hit by if you're up there.
-Is it just me, or are there a lot of targets hidden around the map?
-Added a door to the right of Red's initial spawn in the upper area, making it harder to spawn camp.
-Added a door to the exit area of Red's battlements at C, making it less of a sniper sightline.
-Added some trees around the outskirts of the map. Nothing wrong with a little detail on an alpha, right?
-Many other brush details and prop changes here and there.


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Many changes were made in this update based on player feedback, as well as some changes I felt would make the map better!

Version a2:

-Added some doors around the map that only open once A or B are captured. These were added to prevent players from going to certain areas that are pointless to access early in the game, essentially trying to deter players from getting lost in parts of the map that irrelevant to the current accessible points, and to prevent sneaky players from getting to certain parts of the map early.
-Added a platform between the B bridge with some props next to it. Makes it easier for defending classes like Scouts to get to the point, and adds another spot for Engineers to possibly build on.
-Added a little more space between B, and the C gate building platform, making it a little less cramped to play around B.
-Replaced the wooden model stairs with custom made stairs made out of brushes! Whatcha think eh? Do they look nice?
-Not many changes made to the layout around A, other than a small cubby at the back near the point, a few texture pages, and some texture changes! I also made the walls for the center building near A a little less thick.
-Every roof on the map (except the Blue spawn one) has had their texture replaced with one that is a little softer on the eyes. Plated metal models have also been thrown on a few of them to make them look nice.
-Inceased the height of the clipping in the flank leading around C to make it so users can blast jump higher.
-Added a little more space behind B for defending players, as well as another small cubby.
-Added another method for players to get from B to the area leading up to C, instead of the C gate building.
-Most windows have been stylized, and/or changed so you can only see through them one way. A window has also been added to the building that has an accessible interior just before C, allowing players gearing up for an attack in this room to have a better view of what they're up against. This is also a one sided window.
-Changed the small full healthpack building just before C. You can now follow a ramp up to the roof of this building, giving you a good sightline of the entire point.
-Changed the clipping behind the van near C to prevent players from getting stuck when falling back there.
-Added another exit for Red's final spawn, so that everyone isn't just funneled towards the bridge leading towards C.
-Changed the ledge of the battlements above C a little bit to remove a painful sentry spot from Engineers.
-Added a sign that appears when Blue captured point B, making it easier to tell where you are supposed to go.
-Many props were added/changed in some ways, as well as many signs that help the player navigate the map better!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in playtesting! I love seeing people enjoy my maps, and I hope I can continue to work on Zephyr! If you have any feedback about the most recent version, feel free to send it my way! This may be the biggest changelog yet, but at the same time I like to put a lot of detail into what I write and the reasoning behind everything, so sorry this log was so long. Many thanks!