Past 72hr Jam Entry zahnnpower_72hr a2 still
I am quite the punny guy - zahnpower
Mannpower map. I warned you. Enjoy.
A1 uploaded in 3 hours 22 minutes for the 72 hr summer jam 2016
A2 uploaded in 70 hours 45 minutes for the 72hr summer jam 2016
Some scrots.
Intel area
Intel area from the opposite corner
Intel area from above the intel
Left flank from intel area
Middle route from intel area
Right flank room from intel area
Right flank from intel area
Mid area from right side (approaching)
Mid area from middle route
Mid area from left (grapple) route
Grapple side of mid
floor side of mid
A1 uploaded in 3 hours 22 minutes for the 72 hr summer jam 2016
A2 uploaded in 70 hours 45 minutes for the 72hr summer jam 2016
Some scrots.
Intel area
Intel area from the opposite corner
Intel area from above the intel
Left flank from intel area
Middle route from intel area
Right flank room from intel area
Right flank from intel area
Mid area from right side (approaching)
Mid area from middle route
Mid area from left (grapple) route
Grapple side of mid
floor side of mid