
Medieval Tour a8


Potentially the final alpha!
  • Added mission briefing.
  • Moved ticket booth next to the Control Point.
  • Sudden Death now occurs instead of a stalemate if no-one wins in time, even if one team has more points than the other.
  • Max time increased to 10 minutes.
  • Cleaned up various perch points.
  • Beta preparation.
  • Added capture zone markers to ticket booth.
  • Fixed hud? hopefully?
  • Lowered respawn time slightly.
  • Added short timer after cap reset where it is locked.
  • Tweaked displacements at mid so theres less of a harsh ramp.
  • Smoothed displacements in intel area.
  • Moved some lights.
  • Added a health pack under the bridge.
  • Moved some fire barrels to give more space.
  • Fixed autoreset logic not being cancelled when its associated intel is picked up.
  • Capturing the intelligence proved just a bit too difficult, so:
    • Respawn time for both teams doubled.
    • Flag reset time increased to 45 seconds.
    • Cap reset time if a flag is not picked up increased to 70 seconds.
    • Max caps reduced once again to 2 seconds.
    • Cap time very slightly reduced.
  • moved stuff and shuffled around geometry to make mid a bit less tight.
  • A picked up flag on round end with tied scores will now properly result in a stalemate unless the flag is beyond mid.
  • Fixed intel gate failsafe logic not functioning properly.
  • Pushed back capture zone of points and increased its size.
  • Fixed multiple small issues, thanks to Midnite for reporting these!
  • Cleaned up a ramp in the castle and widened a doorway.
  • Added logic to open intel gates if a player is inside.
  • Fixed duplicated water brush.
  • Shrunk the map significantly.
  • Rebuilt intel area:
    • Generally shorter.
    • Control Point is now on the same level as the tickets.
    • Tickets are blocked off until the point is unlocked.
  • Rebuilt castles entirely, removed 90 degree turn to get to intel area.
  • Max captures increased to 3.
  • Adjusted lighting.
  • Removed Melee Vscript fully. Sorry Sprinkles!
  • Improved lighting, more bright with more ghost lights.
  • Improved collision across the map.
  • Fixed ctf scores not appearing.
  • Removed death pit.
  • Fixed brush face with nodraw.
  • Replaced CP autoreset timer with a proper on-hud timer.
  • Re-added Sprinkle's Melee Vscript.
  • Lowered required caps from 4 to 2.
    • As a balancing measure, Control Points capture slower and the time limit has been set to 8 minutes.
  • Added game_text to the hud for the flag autoreset timers.
  • Lighting overhaul.
  • More signage and hopefully more direction.
  • Cut side routes to intel room and shortened it a bit.
  • Rebuilt spawns.