Last minute bug fix and polish update

  • Added previously missing clip brushes and improved clipping around the map
  • Changed the winning score to 1 instead of 3, as 3 proved to be stalematey and encouraged cowardly play.
  • Changed some healthpacks around to make areas more relevant
  • Various bug fixes
Patching things up before the contest deadline:


Major Changes
  • Where do I go?: There is now an indicator where the current intel holder is, and where you need to take the intel.
  • The Bounce Pad: The bounce pad is now filtered to the enemy team, so emerging attackers do not get caught up on it. Overlays have also been added around to show it off.
  • What if I go the other way: A ramp has been added behind the tree so you can walk to the cap instead of using the bounce pad. This will also help people that miss the star.
  • Detailing: Dev textures have been switched out for proper textures for the contest, an additional details have been added.
  • What's the point of this room: The building in the back of mid has been replaced with a more open route.
Minor Changes
  • Props have been added next to the spawn doors to prevent camping.
  • Lighting adjustments
  • camera adjustments
  • The Bus has returned...
After the Stalematey playtest of topper a1, I have gone to work shaping up the map.


Major Changes
  • Trimming The Fat: the map has been made thinner in areas that were too big. The main spots were the team's rocket bases and middle. Walk times to and from middle should be shorter now.
  • Going Down: The initial gimmick of the doomsday elevator proved to be too slow and stalemate inducing for the gamemode, it has been swapped out for a booster pad. To score, you must now boost yourself into the star of the tree.
  • Clipped: Doorways, streets, everything that you'd get trapped on has been clipped.
  • Means of Getting There: an additional route has been added from connector to get to mid where the wall with the climbable crates used to be. Before, there was only one direct way which could be covered by a sniper. In addition, a sniper sightline from connector to mid has been blocked. The shelf room has also been expanded and is less cramped now. The long route out of spawn has been replaced with a much shorter and more useful spawn door.
  • Goodbye Friend: The bus has been removed... There is now a route through mid where it used to be.
  • 3 for 3: The map now plays to three like normal ctf, rather than being a win on a single cap.
  • Detailing: The map has been somewhat detailed in certain places.
  • A Fitting Finale: upon winning, there is now a finale event. The losing team will have their rocket launch, breaking the tree and delivering a payload of radiation inducing snow across the city.
Misc. Changes
  • Map has been majorly optimized
  • Dark areas have been lit up
  • Soundscapes have been added
  • You can no longer build under the tree.
  • Some health and ammo have had their sizes changed.